Too Wierd For Words

"Dueling Banjos" from Deliverance

Army of God Overview Hardcore hostile-ridden terrorism in the name of "God" is the driving force behind this rabidly anti-choice crew. Fanaticism at its worst.

The Creator's Rights Party "Anyone who denies that God is absolutely committed to destroying sinners is the enemy of God. Let me make that clear. No matter what label they carry--christian, jew, democrat, republican, whatever--a person is the enemy of God who confuses you by talking about the love of God so that you ignore the fact that God has one intention for sinners, and one intention alone: God will destroy sinners.." Need I say more?

I'm not going to say a word about the following. You'll just have to follow the links. They are appear courtesy of the same strange mind. The author would be a great satirist, if it weren't for the fact that he is totally serious about all this... WARNING: Do NOT read these while drinking -- I will not be responsible for any new keyboards!
  • Bible Sex Facts
  • Demon Possession Handbook
  • First Steps for Baby Christians Reads like a recipe book for self-indoctrination into a cult...hmmm, what a surprise...
  • Gone - - A Novel About the Rapture A little light reading, anyone?

    Gospel Plow Home Page "Dedicated to arming and training the remnant in America, we here at Gospel Plow firmly declare along with the founders of this Christian nation that there is "No King but Christ!"

    Mother of God This investigative report by the Washington Post outlines the history of this Charismatic Catholic group and it's increased isolationism and control of its membership.

    The Official Jack Chick Homepage "You know he's know he needs to be saved...and you'd love to witness to him. But like Rocco, here, he's much too intimidating. No problem! Just leave a few Chick tracts where he's sure to find them. God has used Chick tracts to melt the coldest and hardest of hearts."

    The Rapture Index How close are we to the end?!

    Jack Van Impe Ministries Get the latest on world events related to prophecy...according to this guy everything is a sign!

    The Dragon's Hot Breath: Unmasking the Awful Truth About "Christian" Rock Music, by Texe Marrs

    Survival Bible 2001 If anyone can stand to wade through the font changes and pseudo-intellectual mush, could you PLEASE tell me what the hell this site is talking about?!

    Dial-the-Truth Ministries TRACTS Page The Truth?? I find myself identifying with Pontius Pilate... Don't miss such gems as:

  • Scientists Prove Divine Author of Genesis
  • The Truth About HELL!
  • Rock Music: The Devil's Advocate

    Steve Winters Homepage
    Good ol' Steve. Infamous in the world of BBSing, Steve is now carving a name for himself on the Internet as the most paranoid, delusional Christian on the planet. According to him, EVERYONE else is false Christian scum or worse, and he spends most of his time plotting ways to sue anyone who disagrees with him. Wotta loon - - after you read Steve's own rants, go read the FAQ ABOUT him:
    Steve Winter FAQ.

    The Nations of Gods and Earths (5% Nation of Islam)

    The Nation of Islam Iincludes articles and interviews with Louis Farrakhan

    The Website for Wierd Christianity

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    Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
    Last updated: Tuesday, June 10, 1997

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