Skeptics, Humanists and Atheists

"Losing My Religion"

Adrian's Freethought / Atheism Page How to construct a logical argument, types of atheist and other skeptics, and links.

The Agnostic Church Home Page EXCELLENT collection of writings from an agnostic perspective, set up as an "Agnostics Bible"

The Atheists MASSIVE Links Page

Beyond Born Again: Towards Evangelical Maturity, by Robert M. Price

A Discourse on Hell

FAQs by Category: Atheism

Helen Gardner, freethinker This is among my favorites at the Secular Web.

Holysmoke! Step into my dungeon for a look into FIDO'S Religious Food Fight echo.

Humanistic Judaism Homepage

Iconoclast's Athenaeum Very interesting site from a skeptical Universal Unitarian.

The James Randi Educational Foundation ChallengeI, James Randi, will pay the sum of US$740,000* to any person or persons who will demonstrate any psychic, supernatural or paranormal ability of any kind under satisfactory observing conditions.

The Left Hemisphere Skepticism, Religion, and Secularism on the WWW

PostFun Home Page "PostFundamentalism ...or PostFun, acts as an antidote to the Christian Right, challenges destructive dogmas and agendas with humor and style, defends the rights of the Un-Born-Again, and critiques the prophet motive." (that's a quote)

Radical Religion "We are the spiritual communities who encourage you to think for yourself." Includes a collection of creeds from an assortment of liberal and secular ethics societies.

THE REACTIONARY RIGHT A hard look at the Reactionary Right in politics and religion.

Sea of Faith Network "Exploring and Promoting Religious Faith as a Human Creation. The Network explores the implications of accepting religion as a human creation; promotes this view of religion, and affirms the continuing validity of religious thought and practice as celebrations of spiritual and social values. The Network has no creed. It welcomes people from all faith and non-faith traditions."

The Skeptic's Refuge Includes the Skeptic's Dictionary, and other interesting articles.

Thinking Man's Minefield Large selection of quotes, satire, and issues of The Atheist, an Australian newsletter. He's quite anti-feminist, but a lot of good stuff is here anyway.

The Truth Seeker - - Journal of Independant Thought "Truth Seeker is the world's oldest freethought publication. It continues its tradition of addressing political and religious issues, including civil liberties, economic freedom, self-government, ethics, morality and the coercive forces of religion and government."

WalkAway "Walk Away is a response to numerous requests for supportservices for ex-fundamentalists. The Institute for First Amendment Studies launched Walk Away to offer, in a small way, periodic support to those wrest ling with the fear and guilt often associated with Christian fundamentalism."

Why I am Not a Christian A hard look at Christianity, by Becke Boyer.

Virtual Ethical Society Humanist society reflecting positive living. "a fellowship of people who seek clarification of the values of life and a faith to live by. They cherish freedom of the mind and freedom of conscience. Their affirmation is the worth and dignity and possibilities of every person. The common ground is the concern with the relation of human beings to one another."
TheWorld-Wide Web Virtual Library: Secular Issues Lots to read and think about.

ZERO "Zero is the Meta-Religion dedicated to upholding the belief that Man is God and there is no God but Man."

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