"Oh Very Young"
Cat Stevens
Multicultural Expressions of Faith
ARIL / Cross Currents Online "The Association for Religion and Intellectual Life (ARIL) and its journal, Cross Currents, are organized in the belief that when the passions of the heart are brought into harmony with the life of the mind, religious faith can and shall contribute to the common good. ARIL / Cross Currents Online brings to the Internet the very best thought and writing being done from within the world's major faith traditions."
Confusing Religious Terms A nonhostile glossary of religious terminology
DESCRIPTIONS OF 37 RELIGIONS, FAITH GROUPS & ETHICAL SYSTEMS: Overview of many religions, their beliefs, creeds, and practices.
feralkat's Philosophies of the World
FESTIVALS & HOLIDAYS Religious and secular holidays from around the world.
Freedom of Religion! Large list of links to various religious sites.
Glossary for Sociology of Religion Defines religious and spiritual based words
INTERLUDE An Internet Retreat - A place to renew the spirit. "There are no holy places and no holy people, only holy moments, only moments of wisdom."
Internet Theological Seminary
Mysticism in World Religions This site presents the mystical traditions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taosim. You can compare and contrast these six religions by going directly to the World Index, or you can look at each religion individually by going to that religion's particular index.
One-World Global Calendar Holidays and Holy Days from around the world, and in ancient cultures as well as lunar and meteor shower information.
Ontario Center for ReligiousTolerance "This home page is very different from many other religious WWW sites: We do not promote a specific faith or religious viewpoint. We do not attack religion as an "opiate of the masses". Instead, we try to: promote the understanding and tolerance of minority religions; expose religious hatred and misinformation; supply information on controversial religious topics to help you reach your own decisions."
Poopsie Page Radical Religious Links
Religious and Sacred Texts Large collection of sacred texts from many religions
Sea of Faith Network "Exploring and Promoting Religious Faith as a Human Creation. The Network explores the implications of accepting religion as a human creation; promotes this view of religion, and affirms the continuing validity of religious thought and practice as celebrations of spiritual and social values. The Network has no creed. It welcomes people from all faith and non-faith traditions."
A SourceBook for Earth's Community of Religions
"Designed to serve all members of the world's religions and spiritual traditions as well as humanists, atheists and agnostics. Ultimately, its themes encompass the whole community of the Earth, a community which is facing increasingly severe challenges and crises of many kinds.
Spirit Online: An Online Spiritual Resource Center Spiritual mentoring and resources across a spectrum of faith.
Spirituality and Religion Links
Steve's Galaxy Room Much to see including "Vision in Various Religions, a look at various religious perpectives through their own writings. Attractive, well laid-out site.
Under Shekhina's Wings Cross-Cultural Women's Spirituality
WorldScripture A comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, searchable by themes and keywords
Mythology and Historic Traditions
Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology FAQ
Religious Harmony Movement A look at myth and ritual as applied to spirituality
Chaplain OnLine Chaplain Online provides those on the Internet chaplaincy service. The Chaplain Online is multi-religious and has no idealogy or political agenda to expound.
Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality Taking back Lakota spirituality from New Age and for-profit shamanism. Includes commentary by readers.
Psychology of Religion Page by Michael E. Nielson, PH.d
The Robert Brow Model Theology Web "The purpose of this web site is to explore model theology from as many angles as possible. Model theology is not a philosophical or theological system. It is a tool for mutual understanding. And as we know there is a huge amount of misunderstanding among people of different religions, and even between people who have different emphases in the same church. What we need is a way to help two persons who disagree about any matter of theology or ethics to clarify each other's explanation."
The Universal Life Church, Inc. "We believe everyone is already a member of the church and is just not aware of it as yet. The Universal Life Church will ordain anyone that asks without question of faith,for life, without a fee. The church has two tenets: the absolute right of freedom of religion and to do that which is right. Anything else within the law is allowed."
Buddhism and Hinduism
Engaged Buddha Excellent site on Human Rights Issues, in the US and around the World, including suggestions for activism
Global Hindu Electronic Networks: The Hindu Universe
Kalavinka Dharma Notes - Traditional Resources for Modern Buddhists 100+ stories, analogies, verses and teachings selected from Nagarjuna's Commentary on the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra have been posted in the Table of Contents, Stories Library, Analogies Library, and Teachings Library.
Spirituality/Yoga/Hinduism Home Page
Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors Beautifully done site. Stories of wisdom, with the opportunity for visitor feedback.
Islam and Sufism
Zuna's Corner a clear and positive explanation of the Moslem faith.
Islamic Awareness Large collection of articles and resources, offers an introduction to Islam, women's issues, and more.
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Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
Last updated: Sunday, November 2, 1997