"I am a Servant"
Protestant Christianity
Cheryl's Christian Home Page This Presbyterian Minister offers commentary and an excellent resource on prayer.
Connected Christianity Magazine A moderate Baptist Journal.
Divine Salve for Healing, Wholeness, and Holiness - - Methodist pastor with a large number of links that provide a welcome and reasonable counterpoint to the glut of fundamentalist offers on the Web (see below for some of those)
The Door "The Door has been referred to by Christianity Today as the United States' only Christian satirical magazine. It is unique in its ability to combine keen and biting wit and observation regarding the Church, while not being anti-religious, as most other religious satire publications are. Through this format, it provides a humorous avenue for the expression of the less flattering aspects of the insitution, while still embracing the legitimacy of the ideals behind Christianity which are the foundations for faith."
TheOMNI-LIST of Christian Links The name isn't an exaggeration. This is a LOOOONG list of links, primarily conservative in scope. In spite of the length of this list, I failed to find any pages pertaining to Liberal Christianity.
Questions from the Laity A bit tongue in cheek, and very thoughtful, this site asks the kind of questions that make many pastors squirm.
Liturgical Christianity
Awaken to Prayer: How to Pray as a Catholic Excellenent resource for praying in the classical tradition, includes definitions of the various forms of prayers, and a ton of links to classical christian material.
Catholic Internet Directory
Catholic Resources on the Net
Dominican Central: Chicago Dominican Friars The Domincan Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great communicate the Word of God through preaching, theological education, and the promotion of justice and peace. This mission in hte Body of Christ demands a vowed community life, liturgical prayer and life-long study.
The Christian Activist: A Journal of Orthodox Opinion
The Monitor: Newfoundland's Catholic Journal
Christus Rex Roman Catholic articles and artwork
Documents of the Roman Catholic Church
Radical Catholic Page
Other Major Christian Expressions
1830 Book of Mormon
Jehovah's Witness Pocket Guide
Christian Reference Materials
And Adam Knew Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible The purpose of And Adam Knew Eve is to inform as well as hopefully to entertain, by gathering from the biblical text all sexually related stories, concepts, and laws, and presenting them, concisely but with attention to
context, in convenient dictionary form. Sexually related material comprises overall such a significant portion of scripture that some knowledge of it is essential both in appreciating the Bible as a whole and in understanding the difference in attitude toward sex to be found between the Old and New Testaments.
The Blue Letter Bible With search engine and commentaries.
Calendar of Christian Historical BiographiesFollowing the cycle of the church year
Christian Classics Ethereal Library "Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good reading material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves!"
Creeds and Confessions A collection of historic creeds of christianity.
The GOSHEN Personal Study Tools/Online Study Library "...a resource that facilitates in-depth study and exploration of
God's Word and that fosters a desire to learn more about the Bible and
how it applies to all of our lives.
At the core of the OSL is a set of four cross-indexed topical and dictionary
resourcees: Nave's Topical Bible, Easton's Bible Dictionary, Torrey's
New Topical Textbook*, and Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary.
The combined knowledge presented through these linked resources is just a
mouse-click away."
Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) Presbyterian articles of faith.
The WWW Bible Gateway Bible search using numerous versions.
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Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
Last updated: Sunday, November 2, 1997
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