Liberal Religion

"Union of Souls"
courtesy of Solar Web UU Art

You possess only a small light, but uncover it, let it shine, use it in order to bring more light and understanding to the hearts and minds of men and women. Give them, not hell, but hope and courage."

Rev. John Murray, Early American Universalist

"What if God Was One of Us"
Joan Osborne

Association of Unity Churches Devoted to practical Christianity, Unity emphasizes that God is good and that God's will for humankind is good. As children of God, we are heirs to all that God is and all that God provides. Unity teaches that God is present in every person, and through prayer and meditation, we can experience God's presence in our lives and circumstances.

Dirty Hippy's Liberal Christian Home Journal Love the name! Spend some time here, there's a lot to digest.. The Writings of Brian Elroy McKinley Remarkable Christian essays, many of these have brought on that rare and wonderful "aha!" response from me. Don't miss:
  • Living Under Self-Imposed Halos
  • Breaking Windows in the House of God
  • Three Easy Steps to Losing Your Faith
  • Why Focus on the Family is of the Devil: A Christian Perspective

    "God and John Muir", by Mark R. Stoll A Psychological Interpretation of John Muir's Life and Religion

    The GraceCom Network The Mission of Grace Communications is to establish Grace Cathedral within the wider community as a place of social healing and reconciliation.

    Kevin W. Davidson's Home Page The homepage of an Evangelical Lutheran I recently met in IRC, this page includes numerous thoughtful essays.

    Iconoclast's Athenaeum: Liberal Christianity

    Imaging God as Partners A discussion of the feminine aspects of Jewish and Christian symbology.

    Liberal Religion - Freedom of Conscience Safe House

    Partenia: Diocese Without Borders

    Plough Online The basis of our communal life in the Bruderhof is Christ's teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and throughout the New Testament, especially those concerning brotherly love and love of enemies, mutual service, nonviolence and the refusal to bear arms, sexual purity, and faithfulness in marriage.

    The Quaker Corner Thanks to Judith Bandsma for introducing me to this site!

    Quakers: The Religious Society of Friends Everything (and I do mean everything) about Quakers.

    Radical Catholic Page

    The Real Jesus? Jesus in Archaeology and History. "During the time of the biblical Jesus, there was widespread expectation amongst the Jews that a kingly Messiah, descended from the house of King David, would arise and establish God's kingdom on earth. To Christians today, Jesus is the living fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesies. To others, however, he was merely one of a number of false claimants to the throne, a figure whose testament is heavily colored by myth and church dogma. Is it possible, through historical research, to travel back two thousand years and get a glimpse of Jesus the man? Or, like Paul's vision on the road to Damascus, can the real Jesus be only known through faith?"

    Sea of Faith Network "Exploring and Promoting Religious Faith as a Human Creation. The Network explores the implications of accepting religion as a human creation; promotes this view of religion, and affirms the continuing validity of religious thought and practice as celebrations of spiritual and social values. The Network has no creed. It welcomes people from all faith and non-faith traditions."

    Sojourners Online A Magazine for politically active Christians working to oppose the Reactionary Right.

    Surprised by Joy: Experiments with Uncertainty An essay on living a life of uncertain faith.

    Tentmaker Online "It seems natural for man to always think the worst of others. When the gossip flies it is usually the worst story about an individual that sticks. This has certainly been true about the God of Christianity. While declaring that He is Love, the majority of the Church says that He will eternally torment most of mankind after they die. We know that a thorough study of Scripture and the early Christian Church proves otherwise. We want the world to know this truly Good News." While I don't know if these folks would wish to be categorized as "Liberal Christians", I find their radical and intelligent approach to the illogical orthodox view of Hell to be so refreshing that I want to put it here, where it might be viewed by those of a similar frame of mind.

    The United Church of Christ Excellent site pertaining to this ecumenical denomination. "The United Church of Christ embraces a theological heritage that affirms the Bible as the authoritative witness to the Word of God, the creeds of the ecumenical councils, and the confessions of the Reformation. The UCC has roots in the "covenantal" tradition—meaning there is no centralized authority or hierarchy that can impose any doctrine or form of worship on its members. Christ alone is Head of the church. We seek a balance between freedom of conscience and accountability to the apostolic faith. The UCC therefore receives the historic creeds and confessions of our ancestors as testimonies, but not tests of the faith."

    Wilderness Manna and Christians in Communion with Creation An Anglican group of environmentally aware Christians

    Universal Unitarianism

    100 Questions That Non-Members Ask about Unitarian Universalism

    EYEBEAMS: An Online Magazine for Unitarian Universalist Expression

    Faith and Social Justice Page

    The Hibbert Assembly Materials on topics for school assemblies and Person, Social and Religious Education. "This site is sponsored by the Hibbert Trust, which was founded in 1847 under the will of Robert Hibbert, a Unitarian. It seeks to promote liberal religion and upholds "the unfettered exercise of private judgement in matters of religion." The Hibbert Lectures have been promoted by the Trust for over 100 years, and have been given by such distinguished persons as Max Muller, Ernest Renan, Albert Schweitzer and Sir Rabindranath Tagore."

    MagicMann's UU and Liberal Religion Page

    Radical Christianity/Socialism Net "The message that liberal Christians view as being the true nature of their religion is one of universal love and acceptance. That love clearly entails respect for all, not just those who conform to elitist ideals and ignorant assumptions of the past."

    Radical Religion A Universal Unitarian site.

    Rev. Sam's Bookshelf and Cafe great collection of essays, poems and sermons of interest to UUs and religious liberals.

    Solar Web - UU Art

    Strained Bedfellows Pagans, New Agers, and "Starchy Humanists" in Unitarian Universalism

    Theological Options for Unitarian Universalists: Humanists Sermon Delivered to the First Unitarian Church

    Unitarian-Universalist Buddhist Fellowship

    The Unitarians The Unitarians are a spiritual community who encourage you to think for yourself.

    Unitarian Universalist Definition by the Ontario Consultants on Religous Tolerance.

    The Unitarian Universalist Association - Main Website Page "Affirming the inherent worth and dignity of every person."

    Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southern Maryland

    UU Values Awards A weekly award for sites that uphold UU principles.

    Would I Do It Again? a sermon by David E. Bumbaugh

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    Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
    Last updated: Thursday, October 30, 1997

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