"It's Istanbul, not Constantinople"
based on "Puttin' on the Ritz"
The Charlatan Observer The Charlatan Observer is dedicated to exposing those religious fishermen who have made themselves wealthy and powerful by poaching in spiritual waters.
Consumer Reports: Which Religion is Best
A Cthulhu Hymnal Hey, if you're damned, you might as well sing about it.
Dextera Domini The Declaration on the Pastoral Care of Left-Handed Persons
The Door "The Door has been referred to by Christianity Today as the United States' only Christian satirical magazine. It is unique in its ability to combine keen and biting wit and observation regarding the Church, while not being anti-religious, as most other religious satire publications are. Through this format, it provides a humorous avenue for the expression of the less flattering aspects of the insitution, while still embracing the legitimacy of the ideals behind Christianity which are the foundations for faith."
The Door (The Official Site) At last! Regularly updated and wickedly good. Don't miss this one! "Crossing The Door's threshold could send
you careening into the cutting-edge online
version of a
religious satire
Fade to Black "Passive agression in html form.
The Family Values Flow Chart" How would you fare in a world dominated by the Religious Reich?
The First Presleytarian Church "He has a hunka-hunka burnin' love for whosoever believeth in him."
Hell's Home Page Just what it says...catch up on the latest news from Hell, read Satan's resume and more!
The Homepage of God In case you were looking for him...
How to Talk New Age
Jesus' Homepage "I'm Jesus Christ. I'm a messiah. This is my...url" Come look at his baby pictures, sign his guestpage...even get saved online if you want.(thanks to Mike Hardy for finding this one for me)
The Lighter Side of Christian Humor I really don't want to guess what the heavier side of Christian humor is all about.
Look! It's Jesus! Track Jesus across America as he is sighted in tortillas and Pizza Hut billboards
Newt's Book Acceptable Sexual Positions and Eroticism For Practicing Christian Conservative Republicans
Peter Gilstrap's Jesus of the Week I suppose I really ought to put this in the Art section...but frankly, most of it just doesn't qualify..
Porn Flakes Kellogg, Graham and the Crusade for Moral Fiber. Funny, but true!
STOP! What would you do if, while travelling to work you saw a stop sign? Various religious responses.
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Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
Last updated: Thursday, October 30, 1997
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