Catty's Halloween Madness!

As a child, Halloween easily rivaled Christmas as one of my favorite times of year. Overtly a "spooky" holiday, it was in reality a time to cast aside the nebulous fears of childhood, walk out in courage and discover....not monsters, but community. Some holidays are spent within the confines of family -- Halloween was a time to head out into the neighborhood, to reconnect to those around us. A time where we children, dressed in our costumes, were able to express our fantasies and treated by adults as though they were worthy of notice. When I was young, in the neighborhood where I grew up, the community was such that it was safe to go out without adults, stay out late, partake of homemade cookies and candy apples and popcorn balls; to enter a near-stranger's home to feel the peeled grape "eyeballs" and the cold spaghetti "brains", without fear of real harm or real horrors. Halloween did not generate fear: it confirmed that our world was, indeed, mostly a safe and friendly place to be. The Halloween I knew was a secular holiday, a celebration of the exotic and mysterious, a time to put aside fear of differences and instead to rejoice in them.

Halloween has not been so much fun for me in recent years. I enjoy helping my kids (who have never worn a purchased costume) decide what they will 'be' this year, but finding ways to recreate the Halloweens of my memory get harder and harder, and I mourn that they and their contemporaries will likely never know the magic there was in trick-or-treating without visible adult supervision, or tasting the cider at a near stranger's house without jeopardy. I find it a loss that in some communities the only place to trick or treat at all is at the mall. I am saddened that the mystery and creativity of costuming has primarily moved toward cloned recreations of bloody horror movies.

Most of all, I am troubled that there are those who would like to see the secular Halloween disappear completely, because they cannot understand the distinction between it and such religious celebrations as Samhain, El Dia de los Muertos, or, for that matter, All Souls Day. I feel sorry for those who wish to strip themselves of everything that is not fundamentalist Christian - taking that road will soon find them without much at all, as Christian and pagan symbolism have walked hand in hand since Christianity first began. The spiritual elements of Halloween are worth looking at, and those who would cower under their beds at what they perceive to be different and therefore 'evil' instead of learning and understanding miss the entire point of the holiday that I knew and loved as a child.

Please don't get me wrong. There are good and worthy reasons not to celebrate either the secular or the spiritual side of Halloween, and good alternatives to those elements which don't feel comfortable. But to insist that no one celebrate in a manner with which you disagree is just plain wrong, in my opinion. If you are Christian and wish to not participate in those elements which have spiritual overtones, that is fine...but don't insist that the 6 year old in a construction paper witches hat is 'serving the devil', or spread lies and misinformation about the pagan faith. And if you are pagan, and wish to focus primarily on the spiritual elements and on remembering those who suffered during the witchhunts, that is also also fine...but again, the 6 year old is not trying to persecute or stereotype you with her construction paper hat. Don't confuse the secular Halloween with the spiritual one. Whatever roots there might be within it, it has evolved into its own holiday, and if the 6 year old can keep that in mind, so can you. And please don't stick filth like the latest Jack Chick hate-spewing comic in her bag to make your point!

Now I'll step down from my soapbox a bit, and offer a few links to browse, whether you are in search of some silly fun, something spooky or something with deeper meaning, may you have a Happy Halloween!

Halloween Links

Halloween Merrymaking

Ben & Jerry's Halloween Page We all scream for ice cream!

Big Bear's Halloween Spooky online games and activities for younger children.

Caverns of Blood and Castle Quest Two spooky online adventure games to play, plus graphics!

The Great Craft Ideas Page Simple costume ideas and hot spiced cider!

Halloween Tricks and Treats Halloween frivolity for all ages!

Halloween-o-webbery Outstanding site for family Halloween celebrating.

Happy Halloweb a grabbag of Halloween goodies, including music and recipes. Learn how to carve wonderful intricate jack-o-lanterns.

Online House of Weird Scary Stuff an online scavenger hunt.

Tiggers Halloween Page Tons of fun for kids!

The Ultimate Halloween Page Stock up on all your web decorations and more here.

Why Bother to Save Halloween? An excellent essay on the value of Halloween.

Tales to Read with the Lights Out

Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving

O'Neill's Ghoststories

Ghost Stories and Folklore

Bourbon Street Ghost Stories

Ghost Story Club

A Ghost Story by Mark Twain

Edgar Allen Poe

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Tales of Mystery and Imagination by The Alan Parsons Project

Ghoulish Treats to Eat

Gory Goodies

SOAR Halloween Recipes

Spooky Sights and Sounds

Haunted Homepage

Haunted MIDIs

Ghostly Greetings

Goosebumps Boo-Grams

Awesome Halloween Cyber Postcards

Send a Virtual Voodoo Doll

Fortune Telling Fun

Facade Arcade Tarot, I Ching and other oracles.

The Voodoo Queen Online Tarot

Where Everyday is Halloween Tarot and Ouija art by Kipling West

Witchboard Central everything you wanted to know about the history of Ouija Boards

Samhain Links

Separating Truth from Anti-pagan Propaganda

The Real Origins of Halloween by Isaac Bonewits

The Origins of Halloween by Rowan Moonstone

The Great Halloween Quiz How much do you really know about Halloween?

Halloween Myths, Monsters and Devils Huge resource for those seeking to undo anti-pagan propaganda.

To Hallow - The History of Halloween "Our supposedly civilized country gets a little weird this time of year. We take a timidly curious peek into this meaning of that peculiar celebration."

Halloween Mania: Religious Propaganda in the Schools From the Ontario Center for Religious Tolerance

The Witch Cam Women's Wire takes a look at the practice of Wicca

Remember the Persecutions of the Past

Blessed Be and Meet Me in DC Oct. 31st - Nov. 1997

Joan's Witch Directory

Timeline of Witch Trial History

The Witches' League for Public Awareness

Samhain Celebrations

Halloween: October Festival of the Dead

Alexandra's Samhain/Halloween Page

A Samhain Dream

You call it Hallowe'en, We Call it Samhain

Other Holidays Honoring the Dead

Day of the Dead

Why do Mexicans Celebrate on "Day of the Dead"?

El Dia de los Muertos

Halloween around the world

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