Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christianity

"I'm a Believer"
The Monkees
arrangement by Michael Hardy

Bry's FAR OUT Hippie Christian Page Lots of links for those lost in the Jesus People Movement era. I really don't think Bry belongs here among the fundamentalists, but I don't know where else to put him! Any ideas?

Christian Articles Archive for Personal Inspiration, Speakers' Illustrations, Church Newsletters, and Religious Periodicals.

Eric Reamer's Illustrated Illusions Using magic and illusion for Christian Evangelism

Grace Evangelical Society "The goal of Grace Evangelical Society is to focus worldwide attention upon the distinction between the freeness of eternal life and the costliness of eternal rewards." Includes extensive collection of articles on the evangelical point of view.

Grant's Graceland "Welcome to Grant's Graceland! If you get comfortable and stay awhile I'll do my best to be a gracious host. I hope your visit will give you a chuckle and some encouragement. Most of all I hope it gives you an opportunity to think about the greatest gift ever given -- the grace of God through Jesus His Son!" Includes a Top Ten list, essays and more. Friendly site. This is one of those situations where I may disagree with his premise, but respect and appreciate the way in which it is presented.

In.Christ Ministries Devotionals, "praise reports", the whole nine yards...including yet another badly researched diatribe on the 'evils' of Halloween.

Jesus Loves You Pretty typical "formula for salvation" page, but the tour of Hell was interesting...I think it was supposed to be scary.

LOVE - In Search of a Reason for Living an apologetic online book, with commentary discussing "God is Love". Many good points are made here, but I feel that arguments for a literal Hell in conjunction with the idea of a God who is the embodiment of Love is weak, and unoriginal. This may have less to do with the weakness of this author than it does with the inherent flaw of the argument itself.

ReaperNet - - A Digital Prophetic Community A Fundamentalist Super Mall, specializing in Focus on the Family

Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool A test to take!

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Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
Last updated: Thursday, October 30, 1997


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