Creation Spirituality

"El Shaddai"

Celtic Cross: A Cross in a Circle A Creation-Centered Christian Ritual

Celebrate! The Festival of the Holy Names Website

Creation Spirituality Network "Creation Spirituality is about bringing science, mysticism and art together to allow the spirit to flow and humans to recover their deep and spiritual selves."

Firewatch Firewatch is dedicated to distributing information on the works of Thomas Merton and on religious contemplation in general. This group is affiliated with the Merton Research Consortium, a loosely coupled association of groups, centers, institutes, and organizations with an interest in the contemplative life.

The Gnosis Archive A Comprehensive look at Historical and Modern Gnosticism, "the knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means."

Greenspirit: Creation Spirituality The creation-centered tradition embraces both the blessedness of a world declared by God to be `Very Good', and the reality of humanity's failure to respect this. Opening our eyes to the interdependence of everyone and everything, it inspires compassionate action to redress injustice and restore the environment. Creation spirituality is an ancient tradition within Christianity and connects with native spiritualities such as the Celtic traditions. It is also a modern movement for personal and political transformation.

House of Breathings A Virtual Sanctuary of the Contemplative Way, this web-space is dedicated to fostering spiritual growth through contemplative prayer, interfaith dialogue, English mysticism, and the celebration of Celtic spirituality.

Julian Ink Purveyer of fine Creation Spirituality Resources

John R. Mabry

The Spire A beautiful ezine offering excellent articles about Creation Spirituality.

Sophia Spirituality Center A Benedictine retreat blending historical traditions with a nonpaternalistic view of faith.

Staying Green Resources and Ideas for Creaton Spirituality

The Thomas Christians The Ecumenical Catholic Church, Thomasine Tradition, an independent, deeply ecumenical Thomasine movement and a creation spirituality based community.

What is Creation Spirituality? "Creation Spirituality, while exemplified in one line of Christianity, is truly as old as creation. It is found in all the great mystical traditions of Hasidic Judaism, Sufism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism. It is even more fully expressed in the nature religions of Native peoples that have been conquered and almost exterminated by patriarchal dualistic religions: the spirituality of ancient Celts, Africans, Australian Aborigines, and Native Americans. Creation Sprituality calls for a "deep ecumenism" which brings together these traditions of Creation Spirituality from every culture."

The White Buffalo Society The given mission passed onto our generation by our Ancestors and Elders is to inspire, promote, and live in global harmony and peace with all the Creations. To live totally in flow with the Principles that are universal to all life. We the People of the White Buffalo Society have one rule: Respect.

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Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
Last updated: Wednesday, October 29, 1997

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