Anglican and Episcopal

"Something about accepting the loss of life, something about looking death in the eye, something about that sets us free. We know we're going there. But we're here now. And if now is what we have, then now is going to count. If the time in which we can walk in love as Christ loved us is limited, we'd better walk in love and walk tall...Use the strength we have, for we will not always have it. Feel the joy we feel, for we will not always feel it. Live the love that is in us and live it with all our strength, for it is here now.
The Most Reverend Edmond L. Browning
24th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
National AIDS Day, October 15, 1989

"Classical Gas"

Indices to Anglican/Episcopal Sites

The Anglican Cyberparish of Saint Sam (sometimes called the ANGLICAN mailing list) is, in rather formal language, a forum for discussion of matters of interest in the churches of the Anglican Communion, such as the Episcopal Church in the USA or the Church of England.

Anglicans Online! Excellent jump off point for Anglican news and information around the world.

The Church of England Homepage

The Episcopal Presence: Episcopal Faith and Practice

Welcome:Episcopal Magazine Here you'll find Welcome Links, a huge collection of Anglican and Episcopal sites, articles and resources, ranging from conservative to liberal. Now active again, this site intends to be updated weekly.


Information about the Episcopal Church

AnglicanPages of Louie Crew Want statistics about the Anglican Church? Come see Louie, aka Quean Lutibelle. Here you will find all the info you need on the recent Episcopal Heresy Trial. Check out his links -- I won't try to reproduce his efforts, but I will say that I go to his pages often.

Episcopal/Anglican Women information of interest to Episcopal Women.

Episcopal Dictionary of Sewanee Excellent Glossary of Episcopal terminology.

Union of Black Episcopalians

Diocese and Parishes and Ministries

The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland

Episcopal Diocese of Washington Washington D.C. and Southern Maryland

Diocese of Newark Online Bishop Spong's Diocese.
Monthly newsletter includes regular columns by Bishop Spong

Fellowship of Scientists "The Fellowship of Scientists is a group of scientists who endeavor to support each other as they seek a greater understanding of and a deeper commitment to the vocation of scientist as one form of Christian service. This endeavor and search take the form of a shared practice, described in the four undertakings of the Form of Practice."

Christ Church, Durham Parish Historical church in Nanjemoy, MD. Newly ordained Father Terry Bull just happens to be a great trombonist and family friend.

The Order of Julian of Norwich "The Order of Julian of Norwich is a contemplative monastic order in the Episcopal Church. The Order was founded in Norwich, Connecticut in 1982, and its motherhouse is currently located in Waukesha, Wisconsin. It is an order of both men and women who follow the spirituality of Julian of Norwich.It is contemplative in that its purpose and goal is simply the practice and teaching of silent and intercessory prayer. The Order follows the traditional monastic vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience, and adds a fourth vow: Prayer. Monks and nuns live in the same monastery on equal status under the same vows."

Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops, Summer 1998

Wilderness Manna and Christians in Communion with Creation An Anglican group of environmentally aware Christians

Washington National Cathedral Includes such interesting facts as the story of the Darth Vader gargoyle.

The GraceCom Network The Mission of Grace Communications is to establish Grace Cathedral within the wider community as a place of social healing and reconciliation.

The Christian Challenge "The Only Worldwide Voice of Traditional Anglicanism. Includes links to other conservative Episcopal resources and excerpts from the newsletter.

Concerned Clergy and Laity of the Episcopal Church (CCLEC) "CCLEC is a lay grassroots movement committed to informing and awakening all Episcopalians so that they may help the Episcopal Church become faithful to God's Word. We are committed to spreading Christ's love and making known that He will forgive our sins when we are truly repentant." Another very conservative movement, formed in protest of such progressive ideas as women's ordination and homosexuality within the Church.

Documents and Worship

Among the Cloud of Witnesses "Notes and suggested prayers for commemorating worthies of the Irish Church. Commended for publication by the House of Bishops of the Church of Ireland, 1994"

Anglican Online Hymnal This page contains uncopyrighted material from four Anglican hymnals organized both according to the Christian year and theological topics. The hymnals are The Hymnal 1982 and The Hymnal 1940 of the Episcopal Church and Hymns Ancient and Modern, Revised and The New English Hymnal.

Book of Common Prayer Online Resources

The Ely Prayer Calendar, Jan.-April 1997 Includes the Anglican Cycle of Prayer

Enriching Our Worship Supplemental liturgical material with newly-approved inclusive language texts.

Episcopal Church Daily Office

Forward Movement Publications

The Holy Days - Santorale A draft calendar from Report on the Calendar, Lectionary and Collects, 2000. Not authorized for liturgical use.

Keeping the Feast "Keeping the Feast is a compilation and re-ordering of material intended for use with the Calendar, Lectionary and Collects currently in the process of authorization by the General Synod of the Church of England." Still under construction, but has a lot of information about the Church Year.

The Lectionary Page This site was created to support all those who need access to the lesson texts of the Episcopal (ECUSA) Lectionary. The Episcopal Lectionary is closely based on the Revised Common Lectionary which is used, with variations, by the Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic Churches. The texts presented here follow the Episcopal (USA) variation.

Our Common Life: A Report on Episcopal Identity

The Porvoo Communion Conversations Between the British and Irish Anglican Churches and the Nordic and Baltic Lutheran Churches.

Revised Common Lectionary Commentary

Sermons & Sermon/Lectionary Resources

When Will It Be Read? "This compilation by The Rev. Richard Losch of Coldwater, Ala., gives the Sunday readings keyed to Bible verses. If you have a Bible verse and want to know when (or if) it will be used as part of the regular Sunday readings, you can look it up in the table. The readings follow the lectionary of the Episcopal Church in the U. S."

Personal Pages and Essays

Anastasis: A Journal of Pastoral Reflection For those who want to reflect upon the pilgrimage of faith.

Bonastra: The Madeleine L'Engle WWW Resource

Into the Wardrobe: The C.S. Lewis Web Site

Molly Wolf's Sabbath Blessings Weekly journal devotionals.

The Wisdom Dude and Mother Mary at Home A couple of Episcopalians with some interesting views. Take time to look around this site...there is a lot here.

Why Should Episcopalians Survive? By Rev. James R. Seale. "Are we a dying breed of the faithful in what is commonly referred to as the "Post-Christian" age? As we look around us, we in the mainline traditions can't help but notice that we are becoming smaller in relationship to the general population while many of the churches that can be characterized as "evangelical" and "non-denominational" are attracting large numbers of people."

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Comments to: Lynda Bustilloz
Last updated: Wednesday, October 29, 1997

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