Catty's Chapel

God does not play dice with the universe: He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.

(Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)

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Catcalls from the Pulpit

Why I am Not a "True Christian"
An off-site essay by me, Feb. 1996

October 1997
Catty's Halloween Madness
Join me for a look at Halloween on the Web!

A Collection of Religious and Spiritual Links

Welcome to my Chapel, a collection of religious and spiritual links. Not entirely without my own opinions of them, this will take you through a comprehensive look at how various people express their spiritual side. In my own journey, I've travelled many of these paths as a somewhat skeptical pilgrim. Whether or not I 'believe', I have always found the journey itself fascinating. Walk with me a little way now, for even though your path may not be my path, perhaps we can share some of the view.

Anglican and Episcopal
My denomination of record, includes general Anglican sites, information, a few Dioceses and parishes, documents and worship resources, and personal pages of Episcopalians.
Updated Oct. 29, 1997

Liberal Christianity
A more general look at the umbrella of Liberal Christianity.
Updated Oct. 30, 1997

Creation Spirituality
an expression of spirituality that is gaining popularity, creation spirituality blends traditional symbolism with science, mysticism and art, within or without Christian expression.
Updated Oct. 29, 1997

Mainstream Christianity
Where 'most folks' who are Christian probably fall,in spite of the public attention given to those at either end of the spectrum. Includes Protestant Christianity, Liturgical Christianity, and general Christian Reference Materials.
Updated Nov. 2, 1997

Fundamentalist and Evangelical Sites
Fundamentalism holds a literal view of Biblical Scriptures, but primarily what I think sets them apart from those I would call 'mainstream' is the view that their religious views should be given the force of secular law. While I have met fundamentalists I like and respect as individuals, I have great difficulty, both on a theological and a political level, with their philosophy.
Updated Oct 30, 1997

Too Wierd for Words
This is total web wierdness. Warning - if you are offended by the acknowledgement of the existance of hate groups stay out of here. It is primarily for THIS section that I do not have 'family safe surf" logos on my page and why I do not apply for rewards that require the same. I happen to feel it's important to see what these people are up to in the name of "god". I am appalled at how some people would slander their own deity by imparting him with personality defects like this.

Spiritual and Religious Art
Sites devoted to the spiritual side of visual and performance art.
Updated Oct. 29, 1997

Multi-Cultural and Ecumenical Links
These are sites that, like this one, point to a variety of religious and spiritual expressions. I need to try to sort this better and also find a better "label" for the page - if you have any ideas let me know.

KatPurr's Pagan Picks
Named for my Wiccan friend who pointed me in the right direction, this area is devoted to pagan, Wiccan, and Women's Spirituality sites.

Skeptical, Humanist, and Atheist
The rational voices of religious thought. Ranges from totally irreverant, to a look at how to express one's "spiritual" side without belief in any deity. (I'm going to hear about that word "spiritual" from some of my skeptical friends, I'm sure...)

Religious Humor and Satire
The lighter side of religion, often quite barbed.
Updated: October 30, 1997

Holysmoke, the Religious Foodfight
- On Fido, IRC, and the Web

Fido: Holysmoke is one of the largest BBS network forums out there, devoted to free expression about religious views. Often described as a "religious food fight", it is rowdy, irreverent, with side trips ranging from the very serious to the totally insane. Find out how to join the fun, locate other Holysmoke sites online, find us in IRCs #holysmoke, and meet the cast of characters. I am beginning to include some excerpts from both the Fido echo and IRC. Warning: If you feel your religious views should not be held to irreverent scrutiny, this area may also be offensive to you. The theists that participate in Holysmoke have chosen to do so voluntarily and understand that their views will not be accorded any respect apart from what is earned. There is no wish to offend those who do not choose to read and participate.

Do you know of a link that should be added to the Chapel? Send me your suggestions here. I will review the site as soon as possible:

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This forum is designed to be an open exchange of ideas about religion and spirituality. Questions and subject sparkers will be posted regularly, and you are encouraged to join the discussion as well as post your own topics.

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