Chances are you probably never heard of us before, well there'll be a big description about us in the near future (as soon as I get it all typed up that is)

In a Nutshell, we are a group of arts/music/drama loving students who are growing weary of the little amount of attention the fine arts are getting in today's society. The group was started by various arts students at Marcos de Niza High School, located in Tempe, Arizona. Recently, our school district has cut our school's Band Capitol funds 100 % for the the 97-98 school year, not a cent. One of the elementary schools that feeds into us got their entire arts department cut. As in it no longer exists. One of the two junior high schools that feeds into us is dangerously close to getting the same thing done to it. That's when we decided something needed to be done, another side of the story be told.
