Welcome to Y Barddau Keltoi Guest Book. |
Joan Davies - 02/06/00 22:21:59
My URL:http://cwmrhondda.com
My Email:cwmrhondda@virgin.net
Very interesting site, will call back from time to time, Well Done
Bethan - 01/28/00 10:54:27
My URL:http://www.suibhne.freeserve.co.uk/welsh.html
My Email:bethan@professionaltarot.com
Some of you may be interested in joining the AllThingsWelsh discussion list. To subscribe please go to http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/AllThingsWelsh
Arianrhod - 01/23/00 21:46:31
My URL:/area51/Neptune/8963
My Email:arianrhod@tiscalinet.it
Each time I visit I find you site more interesting.
Keep on the hard work
David & Donna Morgan - 11/13/99 02:55:04
My URL:http://bally.fortunecity.com/donegal/78
My Email:dgmdfmou@simplecom.net
I really like your page here Ceridwen. It is really something. I like the printing and the pics. I don't know how you do it. It is the best. Thanks for your help to me.
Love mom and dad
Jennifer T. Moore - 11/05/99 00:27:53
TB - 10/03/99 08:16:52
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/toryboy
Greetings TWO. I liked the site very much indeed...
- 09/29/99 21:00:23
Do something about the bloody awful poetry... bards? None of them are- except perhaps Padraic
Beth Maxwell Boyle - 09/28/99 23:26:36
My URL:http://www.alltel.net/~corgijim/ramshorn.htm
My Email:corgijim@alltel.net
Ceridwen, things are lookin great here. As you can see I finally got things to work. Thanks for the credit and for sending me here. This is a memorable site and I will add it to my links pages latter this fall. -Beth
Gaelg/Gailck - 09/28/99 11:50:45
-Padjer Y Chiarn-
(Mian VI 6-13)
9b Ayr ain t'ayns niau,/
Casherick dy row dty ennym,/
10 Dy jig dty reeriaght,/
Dty aigney dy row jeant er y thalloo,/
myr te ayns niau./
11 Cur dooin nyn arran jiu as gagh laa/
12 As leih dooin nyn loghtyn,/
myr ta shin leih dauesyn ta jannoo loghtyn nyn 'oi/
13 As ny leeid shin ayns miolagh,/
agh livrey shin veih olk:/
son lhiat's y reeriaght,/
as y phooar,/
as y ghloyr,/
son dy bragh, Amen
Mom, Donna Morgan - 07/02/99 03:55:25
My URL:http://bally.fortunecity.com/donegal/78
My Email:dgmdfmou1
Hey this is good. You can really get things going
I was surprised when I clicked something and this came up. It is really good. I looked at some of the links. Keep me posted Mom
Mom, Donna Morgan - 07/02/99 03:54:43
My URL:http://bally.fortunecity.com/donegal/78
My Email:dgmdfmou1
Hey this is good. You can really get things going
I was surprised when I clicked something and this came up. It is really good. I looked at some of the links. Keep me posted Mom
Very interesting site. Superb graphics and information. I was unable to get into some areas, though.
Very interesting site. Superb graphics and information. I was unable to get into some areas, though.
Very interesting site. Superb graphics and information. I was unable to get into some areas, though.
Padraic Stephens - 05/23/99 00:02:25
My Email:PaddytheBear@yahoo.com
I like your site, especially the poetry. I would like to submit some poetry, but don't know how to do this on your site. Hope to hear from you soon.
Dominic Ó Broin - 03/03/99 22:04:40
My Email:janeger@indigo.ie
Great site and links, I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work.
Beannachtaí ar lá le Padraic
Garrick - 02/18/99 20:50:00
amy - 02/02/99 15:50:27
My Email:cariad18@hotmail.com
I am interested in an information you have available on Llyewellyn(sorry if misspelled)ap Gryffydd. also in geneology charts-site is exceptional-thank you.
Sian Charlton - 01/31/99 21:56:37
Great to see someone taking an interest in our heritage! Pob lwc! Da iawn chi!
EldarKinSlayer - 01/28/99 03:59:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Field/7761
My Email:eldarkinslayer@geocities.com
Beautiful site my application for membership has been in for almost a year, I hope to be hearing from the Clan soon,if not I will resubmit.
Darren Jones - 01/09/99 09:02:56
My URL:http://members.castles.com/martian
My Email:martian@castles.com
Considering how much of Europe owes to its celtic ancestors(funny that the only name surviving is from the Greeks, who considered them barbarians), the celts, as a group are an oft misunderstood and forgoten lot. For those of us of celtic ancestory, and t
is means much of Europe (not just Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany) we owe it to ourselves and our children to keep alive a rich and beautiful culture.
Bran Ruz - 12/31/98 04:23:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/branruz:wwwbranruz.html
My Email:branruz@hotmail.com
One of the better sites on this Topic.
Prize was earned. It was nice to visit it
- 12/29/98 22:47:11
Caeshya - 12/06/98 02:08:19
My Email:Caeshya@aol.com
Umm, I'm looking for a pronunciation guide for the Gaelic language. I have this song in Gaelic and English, and I want to know how to pronounce the Gaelic words.
franco bacoccoli - 11/17/98 15:52:49
My Email:f.bac@iol.it
Nice work. Now I need to know WHERE exactly is Sliabh na Caillì, as I love visiting Irish ancient sites and taking photos. Thanks
10/26/98 10:20:09
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Urysexe Aber Nethy Mac GriogHair - 09/10/98 05:08:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/forum/5985
My Email:serenity@dlcwest.com
Aliu iath nErenn!! I am The Oracle Owl of The Wind
Mad Pict of The Priaries of Canada
...blessings to all!!
Brenna - 09/01/98 20:56:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/6369/index.htm
My Email:dingo@saqnet.co.uk
Great site, liked it a lot.
Cindy - 08/27/98 12:50:02 My URL:http://www.sexoo.com My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page... cum see the free sex at the url above!! | Comments: |
Twenty-eight people died and more than 200 were injured when the car bomb exploded in the centre of Omagh in Northern Ireland at 3.10pm on Saturday, 15th August, 1998. It was market day in the Co. Tyrone town and the streets were packed with shoppers. C
owds of children had also turned out to see a cross-community float parade - the climax of a week of summer festivities.
At 2.30pm, a telephone call was made to a local television station about the car bomb. The caller used a codeword and claimed to represent the breakaway republican group, the Real IRA.
The bomb had been planted near the courthouse in Main Street and the police had forty minutes to clear the area.
The evacuation was difficult - there were so many people in the town - but slowly the crowds were herded away from the courthouse to the safety of Market Street some 400 yards down the road.
And it was there, at the junction of the Dublin Road at ten minutes past three, that the bomb exploded, killing at least twenty outright and another eight in the hours to follow. The blast demolished several buildings, trapping countless numbers undernea
h. Emergency services were on the scene within minutes and were faced with horrifying scenes that most will never forget.
Screams and smells of burning flesh filled the air while blood from mutilated bodies flowed through the streets. And as the smoke began to clear, the full horror of what had happened began to set in. "The first thing I saw was the remains of a two-year-o
d child smouldering on the ground. The child's mother was lying in a shop window covered in blood and despite her own injuries she was trying her best to reach the youngster."
Those left alive did all they could to help. Some scrabbled frantically beneath the debris in search of survivors while others tried to comfort the injured and bereaved. Drivers offered cars to ferry casualties to hospital while medical staff worked fever
shly to save those at the scene. "We saw them lifting one woman out. They used a signpost as a stretcher to carry her. They were running into the dry cleaners and bringing out sheets and shirts and anything to make bandages and wrap around people."
Many did not make it.
"There was blood everywhere, everywhere. Bodies lying there. There was an old woman, her arms cut off her. We tried to help her." "The watermains had burst and there was water flowing over the bodies."
Emergency Incident Plans were put into operation at hospitals in Tyrone, Dungannon, Londonderry and Belfast.
Staff at the local County Hospital worked flat out to cope with the crowds of casualties flooding in. And all the time knowing that their own relatives could be next through the doors.
"Some people were just holding out their arms and crying and pleading, 'Help me. Help me'."
The most seriously injured were transferred to the Royal Victoria in Belfast - the regional trauma centre for Northern Ireland - where several would face amputations of their limbs.
"I saw one little girl who had lost her hand. She was maybe about 11 or 12. She was in a bad state, panicking. She was by herself, walking along the road. No one helped her. I think everyone was scared of her."
And in a tragic twist, 36-year-old Gary White died after his car collided with an ambulance bringing casualties to hospital near Dundonald on Sunday morning.
Back in Omagh, an emergency morgue was set up at the nearby Gortin army barracks as the difficult process of identification began - identification of bodies which had been scarred beyond belief.
And for the relatives, who flocked in panic to the hospitals, it was the start of a long and agonising wait for news. A wait which would continue long into the night and beyond.
And for Neil Johnston, the Belfast Telegraph's Arts correspondent and an Omaghman, the feelings of all were summed up in a simple line from a local ballad: "My heart is aching for sweet Omey town."
My next-door neighbour is dead. She worked in a store not far from the one I work in. And now she's dead. Gone. And she was the very best of a woman. I knew her all my life.
The shop assistant.
My wife and son are badly hurt. She has multiple fractures but he's lost a leg. He loved rugby, too. I'm 57. He's only 12. Why couldn't it have been me?
The father.
My wife and her sister are injured. They'd just gone in for a look round town. The wife's in intensive care but they say I can see her soon. At least she's alive, isn't she?
The husband.
My best pal. We were working in the shop together when it went off. She went out and sat with a young girl whose stomach had been blown open. I couldn't have done it. Isn't that awful? Imagine, I couldn't face it.
The friend.
My work tonight? One child, about ten or 11, we amputated a foot. I can't remember whether it was a girl or a boy. There's been so many.
The doctor.
My friend, a lovely woman. She's lost an arm and a leg. An arm and a leg. How will she face that? Tell me? Omagh's my town. We've good relationships here. We may just share the grief together.
The local MP, Willie Thompson.
Colin Mouncey - 08/13/98 07:55:25
My Email:polmac@corplink.com.au
how about a few avi-files in Brythonic?
DAN DUMPROFF - 07/09/98 16:58:13
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:12:57
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Kathryn - 06/26/98 02:04:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/9375
My Email:hestia7@earthlink.net
I am called to go back to Ireland next year to
visit the sacred sites in Co. Meath my myself. I don't know where to start to plan my trip. I have been surfing and surfing and so far have come up with nothing much on the web. Do you have any suggestions?
Any would be greatly appreciated.
Arianrhod - 06/13/98 20:29:42
My Email:MnaSithe@Geocities.com
I love you page.
Kool - 06/08/98 22:18:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/3803/wgbsign.html
Thanks for signing my guest book.. I have book marked your page.. and will be back often.
Please visit if you are returning. We have a
B & B on the N52 just outside Kells, Ireland.
You can find us at Towns and Country Homes
Association pages.
Tom Clarke
Co. Meath,
Tom Clarke - 06/08/98 01:53:53
My Email:clarket@iol.ie
Please visit if you are returning. We have a
B & B on the N52 just outside Kells, Ireland.
You can find us at Towns and Country Homes
Association pages.
Tom Clarke
Co. Meath,
Tom Clarke - 06/08/98 01:47:20
My Email:clarket@iol.ie
Thank you.
Nice page on the cairns at Loughcrew.
- 05/20/98 02:01:51
- 05/07/98 14:27:33
Breogan - 04/26/98 22:07:57
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Breogan
My Email:breogan@wolf-web.com
My warm wishes!
Breogan - 04/19/98 23:20:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Breogan
My Email:breogan@wolf-web.com
Celtic geetings from Galiza!
Wendy Morgan - 04/15/98 14:24:38
My URL:http://workingonit.com
My Email:dmorgan@mo-net.com
Love this site!! Thank you so much. It's very informative. Will visit it often.
Greg Downum - 04/07/98 03:15:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/BRBlast/Celtic.html
My Email:caratacus@aol.com
This is a great web site. Keep up the good work.
Wow!Incredible. Wnat to come back and look at some more stuff!Looking for info on Celtic history and art for my Senior project in studio art. If anyone has info on other sites or whatever, please mail me.Thanx!
Melissa Wyatt - 03/24/98 06:19:10
My URL:http://mtmadman@p-c-net.net
Wow!Incredible. Wnat to come back and look at some more stuff!
Celtic Soul - 03/01/98 16:34:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/9392
My Email:celtic_soul@mailexcite.com
I like your site a lot.. I haven't found many places that give as much information about our people. It warms my heart to see someone does it justice. *S*
Patricia Lynch Gorman - 02/24/98 11:56:25
Thanks to Seumas for inviting me to view this site.
Dandalf the Dragon - 02/23/98 01:17:43
My URL:http://excalibur.simplenet.com/dandalf
My Email:celticdruid@bigfoot.com
What a wonderful site. You have produced a beautiful and very informative site on the net.
I am very pleased to have you as a member of the
Celtic Heritage Webring!
ROGER C CONEY II - 02/20/98 00:45:29
My Email:jrmrtc@theramp.net
I would like more information on your organization, I am a beginner in the School of Bards Ovates, and Druids.
Stephen Mathis - 02/14/98 06:59:07
My Email:75413.126@compuserve.com
Great start. May our people live forever!
Stephen Mathis - 02/14/98 06:58:47
My Email:75413.126@compuserve.com
Great start. May our people live forever!
Saskia Luna - 01/17/98 04:40:58
My Email:piguin@axionet.com
A great starting point for Celtic research! I'm currently looking for info on Celtic smithy techniques and trade routes in Iron Age Britian. If you have any site addresses for these topics, please let me know.
Chuklz o'Nial - 12/28/97 23:23:06
My Email:chuklz@gte.net
we didn't get dressed up, we didn't go anywhere special; but the Silly Season, was, as always, memorable!
Buadhi no bas!
Brandon - 11/10/97 01:58:23
My Email:bdoggydogg@hotmail.com
i can dig it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lloyd dempsey - 10/09/97 19:35:17
My Email:tirtarigani@hotmail.com
Bran the Druidh - 10/03/97 14:13:50
My URL:http://www.dataphone.se/~druidh
My Email:druidh@dataphone.se
I like this place!
die spitting blood!
Matthias McKann - 10/02/97 05:20:54
My Email:mckann@idt.net
Great page, always love to see pages dedicated to gathering info on the Celts
Fada an saol agat,
Matthias McKann
Svala - 09/22/97 05:57:31
My Email:weiss@alaska.net
Wow! I am so impressed by all the information you have here! It is hard to find good sorces of information on the Celts.
Bjorn The Eternally Grumpy - 08/12/97 15:21:30 GMT
My URL:http://i dont rember off th etop of my head
My Email:giffordjd@student.montevallo.edu
tres groovy...it actually cheered me up a bit...
but the iron age farm link doesn't work! :(
Arrion - 07/11/97 03:02:17 GMT
My URL:http://www.genesys.net/~mccardel/
My Email:zmccarde@knox.net
Very nice :). Ti
a good start. Now we need the other guilds to do this.
Creiddylad - 07/10/97 20:41:36 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/2583
My Email:creiddylad@hotmail.co
Very cool.
Ceridwen Keeley - 07/01/97 14:46:31 GMT
My Email:mckeeley@btigate.com
Greetings and welcome to the Bards Guild of Clan Keltoi! Please leave your name and a message! Tha
k you.