Celtic Warriors

The Warrior Spirit

 La Tene boss c 200 BC in the British plastic sub-style, possibly from Norfolk.
From theHooker and Perron Arts and Antiquities page
Cu Chulainn and the Charioteer

...They came thence on the next day across Ard, and Cu Chulainn let them go on before him. At Tamhlachtae Orlaimh a little to the north of Disert Lochaud he came upon the charioteer of Orlamh, son of Ailill and Medhbh, cutting wood there.
'The Ulstermen are behaving disgracefully, if it is they who are over there,' said Cu Chulainn, 'while the army is at their heels.'
He went to the charioteer to stop him, for he thought he was one of the Ulstermen. He saw the man cutting wood for a chariot shaft. 'What are you doing here?' said Cu Chulainn.
'Cutting a chariot shaft,' said the charioteer; 'we have broken our chariots in hunting that wild doe Cu Chulainn. Help me,' said the charioteer, 'but consider whether you will collect the poles or trim them.'
'I shall trim them indeed,' said Cu Chulainn. Then he trimmed the holly poles between his fingers as the other watched, so that he stripped them smooth of bark and knots.
'This cannot be your proper work that I gave you,' said the charioteer; he was terrified.
'Who are you?' said Cu Chulainn.
'I am the charioteer of Orlamh son of Ailill and Medhbh. And you?' said the charioteer.
'Cu Chulainn is my name,' said he.
'Woe is me, then!' said the charioteer.
'Do not be afraid,' said Cu Chulainn; 'Where is your master?'
'He is on the mound over there,' said the charioteer.
'Come along with me, then,' said Cu Chulainn, 'for I never kill charioteers.'
Cu Chulainn went to Orlamh, and killed him, and cut off his head and brandished the head before the army. Then he put the head on the charioteer's back and said, 'Take that with you,' said Cu Chulainn, 'and go to the camp so.'...

Irish; author unknown; ninth century.

From "A Celtic Miscellany" translated by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson, Penguin Classics reprinted 1982

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