How do you like my recent photo from Hawaii?

Here is another from my days in Nicaragua:
Or even earlier when I was in Japan?
A person with as many interests as I have could see this web page building as a life-time project. Linkages is the name of the game for a person like myself who has spent the last twenty years teaching in eight different countries: English, German, Spanish and Culture. (Just before completing my undergraduate degree in History and the Social Sciences in the mid-1980s, I had also worked in France and Germany as well as studied International Development in Honduras and Central America.)
I have received and maintain certifications to teach history, Spanish, German, and the political sciences at the high school and junior high level in Kansas. I am currently taking an online class on how to teach about East Asia Culture and History.
I have resided most recently in Persian Gulf countries, like the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait while learning a lot about the Middle East, its peoples and politics. (Although I have visited appx. 100 different countries so far, but have not quite yet visited all fifty American states.)
In recent years, I also have gone to Finland, Bermuda, Guatemala, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia and Eastern Europe. I was back in the U.S. working on a PhD in Political Science at Texas A & M in College Station, TX until Texas politics and poor justice set me back on the road. Now after years in Mexican and Kuwaiti exile, I am interested in moving on.
Besides having a voracious appetite for travel, I am a good photographer and have shown my pictures at public restaurants and at photo contest exhibitions in some of the cities I've lived in.
In the 1990s, I began publishing--primarily in Japan and in Texas--and via the internet here in the U.S. I've published primarily on teaching, language contests, language evaluations, issues of multicultural education in Japan, the U.S., Latin America, the Middle East, Asia--as well as on the environment, work life, and on various living abroad experiences. Recently, I have been publishing in various magazines on history, federalism, and American culture, too.
As far as reading goes, my current reading reflects my interests in problems of interpersonal (for example, between men and women)and inter cultural communication as well as historical and regional topics on the countries. I have lived in or traveled in--as well as any countries I hope to visit in the near future. At the end of 2007 I visited my 100th country.
My home page will reflect these interests of mine by linking you to good sites that deal with these issues and topics. Write me if you have similar interests or suggestions on how to improve my page. My e-mail is