A personal passion of mine - angels. This information was some I got out of books and articles I have read. I will be adding more when I find it and get it written out, so enjoy.

Orders of the Celestial Hierarchy
The Sarim
The Fallen Angels
The Angels of Punishment
Angels of the Hours of the Days and Night

Realms of Despair is one of the biggest MUDs around. It has a very well developed list of areas which to explore and so far, a maximum player list of over 600. If you are interested in downloading the base SMAUG code to learn how to build, this is the site for you: SMAUG If you are interested in building areas for Realms, log on and type "help build", this will give you all the information you will need.

If you want to know more about the classes, or races on Realms, try here.

New to mudding? Here's the Realms Newbie Guide to help you out when starting.

Check out some of the characters I or have helped make on Realms.


This is a redone webversion of something I found in a magazine and always found very funny and cute. Enjoy.

Falling In Love in Six Acts

And what page is complete without a list of links to other places around the world.


And so that is that for now. I will be working on this as much as I can, so here's my email, and send me suggestions if you can. opiate@idirect.com

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