Welcome to the Student
Chapter of the NYWEA. The New York Water Environment Association, Inc.
was founded in 1929, by professionals in the field of water quality as
a non-profit,
educational organization. Association members helped lead the way
toward existing state and
national clean water programs.
The NYWEA, a Member Association of the Water
Environment Federation (WEF), has
seven local
chapters which meet regularly, elect chapter officers and
conduct technical as well as social programs. The NYWEA currently has
11 student chapters including Poly Student Chapter.
Chapters allow for students interested in Water
Management to meet and discuss topics of common interest with other
students and professionals in the field. Membership in the Association
also provides insight into career opportunities.
Members include civil, design and environmental engineers;
biologists, chemists, local and
state government officials, treatment plant managers and operators,
technicians, students, professors, lawyers, environmental scientists,
manufacturers and distributors.