Christianity and Feminism

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This page will focus on finding the BIBLICAL role of women in Christianity. I have been studying this subject for almost 10 years with the help of several pastors and theologians from different denominations and backgrounds. I have reached several beliefs, but I am open to rational discussions related to them and am keeping an open mind to the possiblility of change if someone presents a valid Biblical reason for why any of these beliefs are incorrect. Please feel free to e-mail me at the address shown on this page with any of your questions or comments, please include biblical citations for any arguments you may have. Here are my basic beliefs:

To summarize my beliefs before you read the specifics, I believe that men and women were designed by the Lord to complement each other. That while neither gender is automatically "better" than the other, God expects men to lead and women to voluntarily submit (particularly to their husbands).

I believe that women have a specific place in ministry. However, I also believe that as women we are specifically forbidden from positions of authority within ministry.

I do not believe that the expectation that we, as women, choose to submit to our husbands makes us in any way inferior to them or that they have an open right to control us. I also do not believe that God's expectation for women to submit to their husbands gives the men the right to dominate, neglect or otherwise abuse their wives.

I believe that women are afraid to submit and men are afraid to lead because for many centuries we, as humans, have twisted marital roles and family life into something that God never intended it to be. I firmly believe that God intended for men to lead their wives through loving kindness, not domination or abuse.

Finally, I believe that we, as the church, must recognize, accept and fulfill the duties the Lord expects of us. The church functions much better as a whole when all parts participate. This includes not only that women must not force themselves into roles forbidden to them, but that men MUST fulfill the roles the Lord has chosen for them.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments about these issues. Also, I'm available to write or speak on these issues, if you're interested email me. email me

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