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Nope, to start off I'm not going to write a darn thing on this
page — this is your page to tell me what you want
to see. Send me your stuff, and if I think it fits, I'll put it
up. I will put up my own stuff, slowly — but I also want to
give other people a forum to share in.
Things I'm Less Likely to Put Up, and Why:
- Wiccan rituals — there's a ton of Wiccan
stuff out there, and perhaps 80% of NeoPagans are
Wiccans; I'm more interested in rituals from the other
20%. But if you happen to have a great ritual, and it
happens to be Wiccan, let me know — I might put it
- Wedding/handfasting/union ceremonies that are specific to
heterosexual couples — pretty much the same
reasoning as above. I will put up union rituals
that can be used by anyone, or specifically same-sex
- Anything propagating hatred against an
identifiable group — just because.
Here's a ritual to start out this page with:
An Hellenic Wedding
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Copyright © 1998 D.H. Killaly Barr
Last modified: September 08, 1998