Thank you for signing my guestbook. Here are some of the others who have already visited here.

03/14/00 20:51:09
Name: Lady Erinn (mka Lisa) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: Yes
What kingdom?: Midrealm How did you hear about this page?: saw the name and stopped by.

Great web page. I have passed on the mead recipe to a few friends. Can't get through via e-mail, so I am trying this area. Lady Erin, have you tried to get your name (at least the Erin part) passed yet?? If so, how did you do it. Thanks.

03/03/00 15:18:58
Name: Liz Martinex My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: Yes

I love your page, i'm adding it to my file on sca links :)

02/10/00 21:48:07
Name: Rick Wallace My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: yes
What kingdom?: Meridies How did you hear about this page?: return visitor

My Web site has a new address! Check it out for news and info on the Barony, an article on award recommendation letter writing; heraldry articles (field heraldry, list heraldry, submission procedures, consultation workshops, what local heralds do); my rap er/fencing page; my Peach Curry page, some pictures, AND my most popular section - my doumbek drumming guide (notation and difficulty ratings for over 90 rhythms, links to and reviews of other rhythm sites). Updated frequently. Owner: Yves de Fortanier.

01/28/00 16:16:30
Name: Shadow Walker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: No
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: Not at this point How did you hear about this page?: FinnHarper

Very nice...I've bookmarked it and will return to get a closer look

09/19/99 21:14:01
Name: Mark Priest, Lord Mark of Rivermarch My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: I was... What kingdom?: Meridies If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: yes!!!
Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: Chain mail (ha3) How did you hear about this page?: sca->rivermarch->!


09/05/99 23:53:29
Name: Jackie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: no
How did you hear about this page?: checking out SCA

a friend online recommended SCA and I'm just checking it out. I would appreciate more information on what it's like.

08/07/99 09:56:13
Name: Glennville L Fox My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: hoping to be when i get to ft benning
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: yes How did you hear about this page?: searching for sca in the area of ft benning

Hello, I am going to be in Ft Benning, GA in Jan of 2000 and i'ld like to join when I get there. Right now I'm in Korea and I heard about SCA from a friend and just now found out that it is here in Korea. I'm only here for a few more mounths and wouldn't e able to get to far into the organization. Please e-mail me on how I shoud go about joining and things I could do know to prep myself. Thanks.

08/02/99 16:37:28
Name: shelley mcdonough My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: no What kingdom?: was middle now meridies If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: yes
How did you hear about this page?: found on internet

Would love more information on who to contact in the Albany area (Shire of Ravenwood). I can be contacted at 120 James Drive, Albany, GA 31705. Many Thanks.

08/02/99 16:34:38
Name: shelley mcdonough My URL: Visit Me
Are you in the SCA?: no What kingdom?: was middle now meridies
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: yes How did you hear about this page?: found on internet


08/02/99 16:30:51
Name: shelley mcdonough
My URL: Visit Me


02/06/99 17:28:41
Name: Tracy Meeks My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: not yet What kingdom?: n/a If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: Yes
Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: n/a How did you hear about this page?: found when researching SCA

I am looking forward to becoming involved with your group.

11/08/98 10:27:01
Name: Isabel Mac Giolla Bhride My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: Yes
What kingdom?: Meridies How did you hear about this page?: searching


10/26/98 10:19:19
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

09/16/98 16:13:38
Name: Thomas Frede My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: no
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: Yes How did you hear about this page?: Noone

I dont have a comment I am just interested in joining and ask if you could Email me the the information and maybe a local contact number but i will warn you I dont have much money and I would like to Know of other ways I could get a hold of saome armor.

09/10/98 13:58:12
My URL: Visit Me


09/02/98 08:27:46
Name: Mordonna DuBois My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: Yes What kingdom?: Atenveldt Do you know of any interesting links I should make?:
How did you hear about this page?: Meridies Home Page

I was born in Columbus, but have been away for over 35 years. Glad to see The Society has a branch there now.

Cindy - 08/27/98 12:46:22
comment: Nice page... cum see the free sex at the url above!!

08/22/98 17:44:30
Name: Lady Erin Redding My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: no
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: no How did you hear about this page?: I was wondering who was using this name in Geocities

Lady is actually my given name, that's why I wanted to chack out this site and see if your real name was Lady Erin. PS Check your title tag-- you have some attribute tags in it

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:09:52

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

06/17/98 19:40:26
Name: Jerry My URL: Visit Me Are you in the SCA?: not yet
What kingdom?: Meridian(seale,Al) If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: With your lady's blessing Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: no
How did you hear about this page?: SCA main page

I would give me great pleasure to have a discussion with my lady when I return to your Kingdom from my journey here in the East. I dont have E-mail so I shall Find you at heavy fighter practice. Around the end of June.

06/06/98 14:45:58
Name: Richard MacKenzie My URL: Visit Me
Are you in the SCA?: inactive What kingdom?: Meridies
Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: not yet How did you hear about this page?: sca search

It has been a long time since I've seen you but that will soon change (I hope!!) Maybe you remember me

05/04/98 05:11:07
Name: Freida Cameron My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: once, long ago
What kingdom?: Drachenwald..and Meridies How did you hear about this page?: I got here from another page..:)

Hello Lisa and Terry.. It has been a very long time..I wish I could begin to say the things that go thru my mind. It is good to see Rivermarch on the internet map.I miss Gloria, a true Lady in every sense of the word. Hugs and love from all of us here... Elain de Northwode

12/21/97 04:44:25
Name: Rick Wallace My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: yes What kingdom?: Meridies Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: nah
How did you hear about this page?: Kingdom page

SCA: Yves de Fortanier (who was at several St Thomas Festivals in the earlier days of River March...)

11/25/97 22:13:47
Name: Sheila Hoeppner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: Not yet.
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: I'm seriously considering it. How did you hear about this page?: Exploration!

A good friend of mine, Bobby Ratliff, is involved in SCA and the more he talks about it, the more I think it would be fun to get involved. I'm beginning to do research to decide on an era and personna. This page, and others, will be a big help.

10/04/97 13:44:46
Name: Paul Van Schie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: No but am intrested
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: Yes How did you hear about this page?: SCA search engine

I am thankfull for the easy way to find people in the SCA in the area

09/26/97 05:53:12
Name: albert stiles My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: no not yet What kingdom?: yours neworleans If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: yes
Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: everyone you know How did you hear about this page?: my comp.looking for locals

i make chainmail jewelry and armour. i`m trying to start up a bussness with it and to all locals around to get to know them ,i`m selling my little bit made before i go up north for a wile .well thanks for being on line and thanks for taking the time.will e here till the 3rd ,/PH:469-7654{504} kenner ,la. good day>>

09/01/97 16:57:41
Name: Donald My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: no
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: no How did you hear about this page?: BK

Cool. I like the torches.

09/01/97 16:54:52
Name: Donald My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: no
If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: no How did you hear about this page?: BK

Cool. I like the torches.

08/31/97 04:36:49
Name: Ken My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: yes What kingdom?: Meridies If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: n/a
Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: no How did you hear about this page?: You told me


08/31/97 04:31:55
Name: Ken My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: yes What kingdom?: Meridies If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: n/a
Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: no How did you hear about this page?: You told me


08/19/97 01:24:22
Name: Elspeth/Tricia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you in the SCA?: yes
What kingdom?: Meridies How did you hear about this page?: Owen's Meridies page

Looks great so far! Keep up the good work you've been doing!

08/14/97 17:42:35
Name: Ann My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: Used to be What kingdom?: Meridies/ATL, GA If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: yes
Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: no How did you hear about this page?: through mail, not very good at internet

oops, sorry, i said i'm not very good at internet usage. My name used to be Mardelle, I was in the SCA around Atlanta 'bout 10 years ago, but then I had children, husband and job, which left little time for anything else. Now I live in Fla. I enjoyed he SCA when I participated and I've always thought I could come back, However, now it seems so much bigger and broader and more complex. Not to mention, that I have forgotten most of my old contacts, and lost all my old stuff in a house fire. Perhaps, ou could give me some direction for a re-beginner. Your website is lovely. I like the knots.

07/30/97 17:18:23
Name: Nancy Molik My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: yes What kingdom?: Meridies Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: no
How did you hear about this page?: you told me

LOve the music!

07/28/97 04:16:00
Name: Cearr My URL: Visit Me
Are you in the SCA?: yes What kingdom?: Meridies
How did you hear about this page?: you told me


07/26/97 02:58:58
Name: Pat
My URL: Visit Me


07/26/97 03:01:54
Name: Pat
My URL: Visit Me


07/23/97 19:18:40
Name: Sissy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: NO If you aren't in the SCA, would you like to be?: NO Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: NO
How did you hear about this page?: YOU

Hi sis, just back Cabo, Mexico....Thought I would stop by. We bought a vacation plan! we can help you with your honeymoon costs, Where do you want to go? 150 dollars can buy you 7 days anywhere. Thought it would be a good wedding gift. Have fun Deb

07/19/97 17:51:11
Name: Lady Erin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you in the SCA?: yes What kingdom?: Meridies Do you know of any interesting links I should make?: Not yet.
How did you hear about this page?: I wrote it! :)

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