The Preparation of Wills For Magickal Petition
 When writing a will to request a certain magickal favor, consideration should be given to the wording, the deity or entity addressed and the exact favor that you are requesting.  A petition is also called a “will” (not in the legal, what happens to your stuff after you die sense) because it is what you “will” to happen that is being enacted.

 Wills should be written in letter format, addressing the particular energy from whom you are requesting assistance.  There is no specific protocol regarding who should be addressed.  Goddesses and Gods within your personal pantheon are a definite option.  Research will provide information as to which aspects of Gods, Goddesses, Angels and Element Energies are conducive with particular magickal acts, which will add oomph to your will.  Addressing “Mother Goddess and Father God”, the Universe or other nonspecific Deity(ies) such as The Lord and Lady would also be acceptable.

 Material items such as a specific amount of money, a car, a dining room table, etc. may be requested as long as one remembers that it is best to use will magick for items that are truly needed rather than simply desired.

 Try to avoid limiting the way in which a material item is to be provided to you.  If you ask for money to buy a car, the money might take quite some time to manifest, but if you ask that the means to provide you with a car come into being, someone may give you the car.  If you ask for a blue Mustang, you might have gotten a red Camaro faster, so only ask for specifics when they are necessary.

 Be certain to include all you will need regarding your request.  For instance, (staying with the car) you would want an attractive car, in good repair, conveyed to you in a manner that would not cause financial hardship,  in order to provide transport for yourself to and from work to meet your mundane needs.  If you just ask for a car, you might get stuck with a lemon even though a car was manifested just as you requested.

 You may also wish to petition for nonmaterial gains such as better understanding of your personal relationships, wisdom, patience, guidance in a difficult situation, etc.  In this instance, the answer to your will normally comes in the form of advice or counseling from a friend or elder, the receipt of a book that addresses your need, dream work, Tarot or other divinatory tools or lessons from your teacher & guides during meditation.  Sometimes you will be reading a magazine or glance up at a billboard and a particular phrase will catch your eye and take on a meaning that is pertinent to your situation.  Keep your eyes, ears and spirit open to the many ways an answer can materialize.

 It is always best to keep your requests realistic.  The more basic your request, the faster it will come into manifestation.  Asking for a Porsche will take considerably longer and more energy than simply requesting the car as stated before.  Asking that your life be straightened out will not take form as fast as asking for insight to the nature of your relationship with your mother.  Keep it simple whenever possible, working on particular areas of your life in a priority fashion rather than tackling the big picture all at once.

 As with all magickal work, you must remember to add, “As it harms none and is in accordance with Universal Flow” to your will.  This protects you from any karmic backlash should the will bring unexpected results and also prevents you from obtaining your desire through means that you might not appreciate.  If you ask for the sum of $10,000 to consolidate your bills and you obtain it through the life insurance settlement from a loved one, it probably would not be worth the investment.  A good codicil to a will is, “This magick will shall not reverse or place upon me any curse.”

 If after a reasonable amount of time, depending upon what you requested, you find that your will does not appear to be manifesting, you may wish to perform a divination with runes, Tarot, I Ching or other means to determine why there is a delay or block.  Sometimes, a delay or block is in your best interest.  As mortals, we are not always able to view the full effects of a request and there are times when The Universe steps in and protects us from ourselves.  If, perhaps, you were working to manifest funds for a road trip to another state to attend a witchy conference, you may be delayed if Deity knows that you would be killed in an automobile accident if you were to travel by car.  Or perhaps your attendance at that function would be detrimental to yourself or others.  It could be that your presence at home would be required during that time.  If you are meeting with resistance from The Universe on an issue of manifestation, I have invariably found that pushing the issue is not wise.  A graceful retreat nearly always results in an understanding of why things had to unfold as they did at a later date, usually with a better outcome than you could have imagined.

 When you ask something of The Universe, balance demands that you must also be willing to give something in return, usually in proportion to what you have asked.  This may be material or nonmaterial, but should not be something you were already planning to do.  If your car died due to lack of attention and you are manifesting another one, it would be appropriate to promise to provide the care and maintenance the new car requires.  If time is valuable to you, it would be a reasonable offering to promise to rise a half hour early each day to meet with your teachers and guides during meditation and accept any new lessons they have to offer.  Tangible offerings like donating a pint of blood, volunteering at a homeless shelter, working for a recycling drive, etc are also good offerings.

 In conjunction to the above paragraph, there is what is called acting in accord.  This means that you are not to sit back on your laurels and do nothing once you have petitioned the Lord and Lady for something.  If you have asked to lose thirty pounds, you must get out there and walk a mile each day and watch your fat and calorie intact.  Yes, this would result in weight loss without magick, but the magick will boost your efforts and you will see results faster.  If you have asked for a car, you cannot sequester yourself in your room and wait for one to pull into your driveway.  You have to get out there and scour the car lots and classified ads.  Then the perfect one, meeting your specifications, will present itself.  You have to do your part to get what you asked for, plus meet the obligation you promised in return.  Then you will see results.