And so it is that all things work in cycles
In beginnings and endings,
Births, deaths and rebirths,
Destruction and rebuilding,
For that is the way of nature
And the cycle of the Wheel.
The new will forever
Stretch away all
That is old and outmoded
And detrimental to our progress,
Not always with our consent
Or discretion.
People come and go in our lives
Leaving occasional tokens
Of their presence, influence and passing:
A house, a baby, a feeling...
And then they are gone
Like a scent stolen
By a summer breeze.
Others affect us in ways
That we could never imagine
Upon first meeting them,
When eyes make the first contact
And we discern
In our deepest self
The connection of future friend, lover, spouse;
Not always recognizing
That identification
On a conscious level.
Oft times if we knew
In that first meeting
Of the pain that would ensue
With the passage of time
And the continuation
Of that relationship,
We would flee
With our lives and our souls intact,
Never daring to glance that way again,
Gladly forgoing any pleasure
That connection would have delivered
In favor of the blissful lack of anguish
Should that meeting have never occurred;
Embracing instead the void that would have been pain
Had we been but
A little more careful,
A little more insightful,
And a little less impulsive.
Yet then, we would never have lessons,
We would never have the joy of love
And the wisdom of the Ages.
We would never grow and we would never live.
If we guided our own progress and chose our own lessons
There would be none.
To feel love and to chance pain
Or to feel safe and chance nothing,
I would choose love.