This web site is dedicated to some of the most special humans who have ever crossed my lifepath.  In no particular order:

To my six incredible kids:

Joe, my guru in web and life, who taught me to be patient, trust the process and use layers in Paint Shop Pro...layers, mom, think "layers."

David, my peaceful zen warrior, who taught me to be still and know, and to know when not to be still any more, but above all, to be ever cognizant of the exact moment I should acknowledge that I am surrounded by morons.

Josh, my rebel who wears his heart on his sleeve, who taught me patience, the power of many different kinds of love and what self-transformation is really all about.

Delena, my only daughter, who taught me how to be a succulent wild woman and to view the world through a child's eyes.

Dylan, my quicksilver little triple Cancer baby, who taught me that miracles are sometimes in disguise and often, what we think we needed least is exactly what we need most.

And to Nathan, who taught me the joy of looking into a child's face and seeing the reflection of your one true love, as well as the lesson that everything really does happen for a reason...or at least most things do.  

To the incredible, magickal, brilliant group of women who were led to us as working partners. Our coven has become my friends, my extended family and my soul group and I adore you all. You have taught me more than you will ever know.

Lastly, but not leastly, my magnificent, steadfast, adorable husband, Eric, who was my gift from the Universe after it kicked my ass around the block too many times during third level.  Eric, you are the love of my life and you showed me that perseverance, creativity and standing up for yourself are the ways to bring what you want to you. 

Katrina Rasbold