A Stone Wakes
We gathered from the four winds, drawn by the spirit, teased and tugged by
invisible hands to the rail tressle at the northwest end of Nicollet Island.
Drums, guitar, flute, sitar, song, dance... Pulsing to the beat of human
hearts, of dreams and desires, and to the rhythm of the trains as they
cross. We were frozen in time, in the dancing flame, in the womb of the
mist that hovers above the slow, inexorable, deep life of the river.
I carried with me a stone, a smooth, glittering sliver of obsidian, born
of volcanic fire, polished and ground...a gift from the womb of the mother.
Within the stone was the power and strength of the earth, glowing steadily
in healing warmth, a gift from the High Priest for the healing of my son.
The priest had charged me to take this stone to the river, to fill it with
the cleansing life of its flow, and so I carried this gift to seek the
blessing of the river spirit. As I sat, legs dangling over the river,
the steady pulse of drums around me, I sang to her. I sang... Spirit
of the Ri......ver..... Spirit of the Ri......ver...... I called her with
sweet song, with passion and praise, and she came gently swirling around me
in the mist. She came, flowing through me slowly, gently, through the circle
of my arms, into the amorphous crystal of the stone.
As the stone glowed with the river's power, I gave my own gift, the gift
of mind, of consciousness. The stone awoke, a living being, aware of
self and destiny, a stone with a purpose, with a mission. I sang the
song of the stone, I gave voice to its passions. I, stone, sang to the
river, to the mist in which I swam, where the river is one with the wind.
I, stone, became wind, sky, cloud, and I flowed through the valleys and
over the mountains, caressing the earth, knowing as never before that
her shape and substance define my own...and within her glows a heart of
fire, and from that ocean of fire she gave me birth. Over her and in
her the river flows to the sea and the sea rests forever in her arms.
We are one...we are one...I, stone, have blessed the river, the mist,
the wind, the cloud, the valley, the mountain, the fire, the sea. I have
loved them, and they me. They bless me. They give of themselves to
my passion, my destiny. They fill me with their breath and inspiration.