A Prayer to Hecate


Hecate of the crossroads, dark mother, all roads lead to you, and

from you all roads proceed. All roads end and begin with you.

There is no life without death, no joy without grief. The light

contains the seed of darkness, and from the darkness light is born.


Hecate, death-bringer, transformer, renewer. As life passes through

the gate of death, into the gentle embrace of darkness, and through

the gate of birth into light again, let me die this day that I might

be renewed.


Take my hand, draw me unto you, unravel all that I have been, all

that has imprisoned me. In the timeless warmth of your womb, form

me anew, unbound, that I might be born in your image, full of wisdom,

tenderness, passion and truth.


I stand at the crossroads. In this moment of decision, of action,

let me know the mystery -- that all paths are one path, and the one

path all, and I am the path, which ends and begins with you.

