Fire that we warm our hands by. Warm glow
of heat and light.
Something’s dying, giving up it’s sugary
And sweet light heats my fingers, warm
on my hands and face.
Spirit of the sun, free again to light
this moment, this dance of hearts.
Star-fire, free again to sail the sea
of night.
Fire that sizzles as it touches meat, the
smell rising…hunger rising.
I breathe the hunger -- sharp and eager
breath -- and it lights the fire within,
the flame of desire. Like flame to dry
paper, the smell consumes me.
Desire. I spill my spirit to fuel the
flame. Burn brighter!
Leap up and dance the dance of life!
Whirl around the fire that roars within,
rising like the wind.
Soul-fire, free again to shout!
Fire of love, glowing like an ember, breathe
my breath.
Flare and crackle. I hear the hissing
suction of your breath.
Drink my soul and feed the flame of power.