
You are deep rock - root of continent and mountain,
of home and strong foundation...
stone stretching up to caress the sky

You are the land that feeds us...clothes us...
the deep well where we sink the taproot of our souls,
inexhaustible well of cool, refreshing peace,

You are moss and needle,  blanketing the forest floor,
carpet of memory, deep and full of life.

You are the black soil...the womb where we plant our hopes and dreams.

You are the seed that sleeps beneath the winter snows, dreaming.
You are the root and stem, waking to the kisses of the warm spring sun,
drinking from the well of what has been,
weaving life from soil and sky.

You are green fullness, basking in the summer sun,
flower unfolding into beauty,
You are the fruit that ripens in the Autumn cool...
the seed that falls to dream again.