The full moon was to my left, in the west, low in the sky, and as the sky began to grow lighter, the symbol of Thoth on the face of the full moon stood out clearly. I began to speak with him. As I looked into that Eye, words echoed in my mind...a greeting to Ra, who is personified in the Sun. It speaks of Ra traveling in his boat with proud Tahuti, who is Thoth, standing at the prow. Now, as Ra was approaching, there was Tahuti, before him, lighting the way, searching ahead, standing at the prow! As this realization struck deep within, images upon images began to flow through me.
I saw Ra in his journey through the underworld, and I realized that the night itself is a manifestation of the underworld. The boat is the sky itself, that part above the ocean at whose bottom we dwell, that part which contains and carries Tahuti and Ra. Tahuti stands at the prow of the sky, lighting the way through the darkness, searching out the path, bringing wisdom and intuition, lighting our way through the underworld as he lights the night as the full moon. Ra follows behind, and he vanquishes the darkness and creates the day. His vanquishing journey never ceases, for night never ends...it only flees before his light. The underworld, the night, the parts of us that the conscious ego-mind, embodied in Ra, cannot see. But, Tahuti sees them...he knows the secrets of night, of sleep, of dream, of death, and of rebirth.
As the horizon began to glow with the light and heat of Ra's approaching, I hungered for him, I called to him in my hunger..."Come! Ra! Come to me! Come!" As Ra broke the horizon and shattered the night with red-gold fire, I raised my throat to him and shouted a piercing cry of "Raaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" with everything that I was. The moment was glory, was exultation, was power, was vision. At the moment of his rising, all of the far-side of me, the parts that the ego cannot see, shouted out in that cry. I was whole, as was the night as it cried out in exultation, pierced by that light, in the moment of its dying.
Ra sailed, ever-victorious, in the eastern sky, the vast ocean above filled with his light, shining blue in answer to his golden fire. Still there, low in the west was Tahuti, his knowing eye gazing silently into me. It struck me in that moment that my mechanical perspective of the world had dissolved, and I was seeing with eyes of spirit and metaphor. To my right was Ra in his glory, to my left wise Tahuti, the image and reflection of Ra. The sky was a great round mirror, and in Tahuti's silent gaze I could see the face of Ra, whose brilliance my eyes could not penetrate. Pierced by the gaze of Thoth and the glory of Ra, I saw. I saw.