Hi!...I'm Darlene,
I hope you enjoy reading my poetry
as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Take a coffee break,
sit back, and enjoy!!
It's good for the soul!

My interests are:
Poetry, my kids,
my computer, & a good book.
I also love Plastic Canvas,
and would love to share patterns
E-mail me if you're interested!!!

These are my personal poems.

"You are always with me..."

When the wind blows
It whispers your name
On and on it goes
Never to be tamed

When the rain falls
Your face I see in every rain drop
A deep breath I draw
Wishing the rain will never stop

When the sun shines
I imagine the warmth of your touch
Wishing you were mine
And loving you so much

When the snow is all around
Thoughts of you keep me warm
Because in you I have found
A love never to be torn

Baby, in any weather
You are with me
In my heart we are together
The way it's meant to be


I am here
You are there
The distance is clear
Though it isn't fair

I need you here
You need me there
I need you near
More than I can bare

What we have now
Are words on a screen
And questions of "how"
And what does it all mean

I live for those words
And seeing your Av
But sometimes it hurts
To want what I can't have

You are my first thought
When I awaken
My heart has been caught
And has been taken

I dont want to lose
This thing that we have
Because I need you
And seeing your Av

"Life in Virtual Places"

Is it all fake?
Is it pretend?
Do hearts break?
Do they mend?

A little of all
I would think
Love might fall
Or be taken to the brink

We make friends
Some are lost
Some never end
And some cost

There are people behind
Those Av's you see
And in some you'll find
Real honesty

Some are here only
To find love
Because they are lonely
But is it enough

Some are here souly
To cause a little trouble
Intending fully
To make someone grumble

Then there are the one's
Looking for friends
To have some fun
And lots of "grins"

Life in Virtual Places
Can be lots of fun
In most cases
So, Have a good one!


Could you live
Rising every morn
With nothing to give
Except abuse and scorn?

Many women and men
And children alike
Live their lives in
Fear of an impending fight

What causes this hate
That riddles their souls?
Why is the need so great
To punch and throw?

Abuse is not only physical
But mental as well
The words are all but musical
That come from the bowels of hell!

Abuse is like a knife
It will cut you piece by piece
Destroying your life
Filling you with grief

Break free of the chains
That bind you there
You have everything to gain
And self happiness to bare!

If you are a victim of abuse,
talk to someone about it!
The problem will not
just "go away",
but you could!!!

What Is A Friend?

Someone who...
Is always there
To help you through
And always care

Someone who...
Is quick with a smile
A friend is always true
Not for just a little while

Someone who...
Doesn't care
About the color of your shoes
Or the style of your hair

Someone who...
Even in the middle of the night
Always knows what to do
To make things right

My best friend
Is all these things and more
Friends to the end
Friends to the core!!

This is a Poem
My 11 Year old Daughter
wrote for me for
a "Mother's Day" contest
in our local paper,
and won 1st Prize!!!!!

In My Mother's Eyes

In my Mother's eyes
I see quite a nice surprise
In her eyes there's a child,
A teenager, an adult
In her eyes I see love,
Passion, sweetness.
In her eyes I see
That she loves me, my Dad,
And my sisters
More than anything else in the World.
And for Mother's Day
What I am going to give her
Is the best gift of all
That gift is Love!

Written by: Kat 5th Grade

"A Father's Love"

A Father's love
Is a special gift
Straight from above
That will never drift

His love is always there
No matter what
He always cares
I love him alot

Through good times
As well as bad
This Dad of mine
Is the best to have

We are far apart
But yet so close
Connected by our hearts
From coast to coast

So lucky am I
To have a great Dad
I never ask why
I just enjoy what I have

I love my Dad
With all my heart
He's the best to have
Right from the start!

"Through A Mother's Eyes"

In the beginning
There are bottles and bibs
Your world is spinning
Having your first kid

You learn as you go
Making many mistakes
Watching him grow
Doing what it takes

Learning to crawl
Learning to walk
Learning to roll a ball
Learning to talk

Before you know
It's the first day of school
You're not sure you want him to go
But he thinks it's cool!

You watch him go
On that big yellow bus
Feeling as though
Your heart will bust!

Then comes the day
Of his High School Graduation
He's come a long way

Then comes the day
That he takes a bride
"I do" he will say
Full of joy and pride!

Soon will come the day
When you get a call
And you hear him say
"You are a Grandma!"

And the cycle begins again
With bottles and bibs
Their world starts to spin
With their first kid



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