Historic Faith Center for the Historic Pastoral Region! Est. 1866 |
Celebrating our 135th Anniversary! |
+ Jesus Mary Joseph + |
* * * 1866 - 2001 * * * |
Find information on how it all began for SPPC as well as on the groups and organizations of existence today. Find times, days, and phone numbers for available volunteer service hours. For any other information, please call the rectory at 310.834.5215. |
General Parish Information |
This page contains general parish information such as times and days for office hours, masses, confessions, holy hours, etc. If there's any information desired and not found in this site, please call the rectory at 310.834.5215. |
SPPC Bulletin Online |
Our parish 'Sunday Bulletin' is being published online! You can now find new parish information weekly. Please help us spread the news to those with internet access and who will enjoy reading our Weekly Parish Bulletin. Thank You for your help. |
Prayer for the Catholic Soul |
Would you like to read background information on our basic everyday prayers such as: The Sign of the Cross, The Lord's Prayer, The Hail Mary, and the Glory Be? Would you also like to learn these prayers in Latin, the official language of the Catholic Church? |
Locate SPPC on the Map |
Print out directions and a map to SPPC. Find us faster and spread your printouts to those who might be interested in visiting our parish in the near feature. |
Other Healthy Links |
The Shroud of Turin, The Vatican, The Upper Room Youth, E.W.T.N, find links to sites such as these and others. If there are any other sites you would like to see on this page, please e-mail them to SPPC Web servant.(Warning: This page has strong content and may take a while to download) |
SPPC History and Organizations |