Cosmos Lodge #8

Ermita, Manila,Philippines. Under The Grand Lodge of F&AM of the Republic of the Philippines.

Meets every 1st Friday of the month at 6:00pm at the

Scottish Rite Temple
1828 Taft Avenue,
Manila, Philippines

History of the Lodge

On October 21, 1916, a group of 21 Master Masons, hailing from 5 different Lodges, owing allegiance to 3 different grand allegiance jurisdictions decided to form a new Lodge that will embody a specific purpose - to be a vigorous exponent of order and harmony.

It was the time of the great war, known later as the first World War. It was an awesome conflict of many nations and the world was in chaos. The new Lodge was to reflect the hope of humanity at that time of the great conflaguration - order out of disorder.

The 21 Master Masons petitioned the fledging Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines for a dispensation to organize such a Lodge. In time it was given due course, and on November 20, 1916, MW William Harvey Taylor granted the dispensation. The first officers were:

Worshipful Master WB Manuel Camus
Senior Warden Bro. Arthur Julius Nicholas Gamber-Gumbert
Junior Warden Bro. Segundo Ferriols

The new Lodge was to be called "COSMOS LODGE". And the name was specifically chosen to give meaning and impetus to her objectives. According to WB Fred M. Holmes, "KOSMOS" is a Greek word meaning ORDER. It denotes a world of universe that is perfect in order, in harmony and in arrangement. COSMOS is opposed to chaos. It is an orderly world of system, a world opposed to war and the disorder it brings. It speaks of a world of forbearance, charity, truthfulness and kindness - all of which, since its formation, have been the object and aim of COSMOS LODGE.








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"The Pinoy Masonic Web-Ring" Click here to travel around the Philippine Blue Lodge Home Page Web-Ring.

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Address all mails to: VW Teddy B. Gonzales, DGL

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Last Updated:10 June 1997.

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