Hi, to every one that visits this page.May our precious and merciful God, our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.WELLCOME TO THE ALL TIME REJECTED TRUTHS OF THE ALL TIME REJECTED CHRIST INTERNET PAGE. This year 2001 is finishing up wright now (I´m writing this Dec the 31th) and oh events are awesome !!! The merging of a European monetary unit puts a political problem in the "next to do" agenda. The whole system needs a "head" cause so many countries, so many involved, and of course so many problems.Definitely they need a head. It is the new Roman Empire and the United States the big power in the world.All of this puts Revelation 13th in the scenario. We had put a little part of DANIEL 70TH WEEK WRITE HERE, AS A DIFFERENT (NOT INTENDED TO) AFRESH AND QUITE REVELATORY. SINCERELY ALL THATH HAS BEEN TAUGHT IS NONSENSE !!! WE BELIEVE THAT HAS BEEN TAUGHT IN THE LAST CENTURIES IS A MANIPULATED TEACHING WHICH CAUGHT UP THE TEACHINGS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THIS LITTLE PART WE HAVE INCLUDED HERE.(Make Click)
Our desire in doing this text, is to proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible, no other person nor book but the Bible. On this basis, promote fellowship and doctrinal scrutiny in order to be ready for the oncoming rapture of the bride of Jesus Christ, giving a final testimony of faith to the world. We do not intend to comunicate with eyecatching beauty, we wont like to attract the wrong element, neither by miracles but rather hope the Holy Ghost will lead your hearth to the Word. We valiantly step on not waiting any reward on this earth, but the promise of a better home beyond Jordan.Let the Gospel of OLD be known now while we can labor, till the persecution arises. (back to index)
Revisiting William Marrion Branham Message. In this place we intend to disclose our learning from and to the message of Elijah, reverend W.M.B.
Has Elijah, Rev. William Marrion Branham, revealed ALL the mysteries of God?. This point is vital.We know that Brother Branham made many statements like that. But a careful study of the Rev.10:7 scripture gives more light. The entire chapter deals with the Secret Book that no one could open, nor even look at.WHAT A BOOK! Is the same book that Daniel was forbidden to know. John was also forbidden to write. "But in the days of Seventh Angel when he begins to sound"... It is there that such great Mystery is... !finished!...Not the entire book but the secret about it! It finishes at the days of the Seventh angel.But he "begins" to sound, it is "necesary" to prophesy again! And this is what we believe to be another messenger, probably Moses the prophet!
Why is necesary to prophesy again? It is because the Seventh angel ministry was a beginnig of blast, of sound.But many things were left without any explanation.For instance, ¿Who was the angel that visited BB so many times? Sure I want to know, he "was from the prescence of God". Sure was an archangel.Only the archangel come from the very presence of God. What the Cloud exactly meant?...What it the explanation of Deity, Godhead? Now there are onness and twoness in the message because those things were left without explanation.And it is Deity, the major of all revelations or mysteries.!
But many believe this to be a "return" of the prophet.No. What we may see is Moses the other archangel in simplicity to continue the work."He shall send his angels" Oh my...! What a feast for the chosen now ! But what a rejection from the "foolish" virgings.
IS IRENEAUS A MESSENGER FROM GOD? WELL DEAR BRETHREN, THIS SUBJECT IS AN STRONG ONE!!! IS IRENEAUS A WORD PROOF ANGEL? PLEASE DONT JUMP AHEAD THINKING OR SAYING SOMETHING HERE OR BRO BRANHAM HAVE NOT DECLARED HIMSELF. CHECK POINT BY POINT, GO TO THE SCRIPTURE PUT ON YOUR CAP OF GRACE AND THEN AND ONLY THEN BE CONCLUSIVE.PRAY TO THE LORD AND BE REAL SCRIPTURE MINDED BELIEVER.DO NOT LIVE BY TRADITION OR BLINDLY,REMEMBER THE FIRST AGE EPHESUS HAD THE POWER TO PROVE THINGS, IT GOT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!! WHY AM I DECLARING OR MAKING THIS QUESTION? HAS NOT BEEN ALREADY PLACED IRENEAUS OF LYON AS A MESSENGER FROM GOD BY THE PROPHET WILLIAM MARRION BRANHAM? OH YES IT HAS. AND SO I BELIEVED IT TO BE FOR SO LONG TIME.REPEATING AND QUOTING BRO BRANHAM MESSAGES THAT THE SECOND AGE ANGEL WAS IRENEAUS. IT WAS UNTIL SOME YEARS AGO THAT THE LORD DREW MY ATTENTION TO SOME HISTORY. HISTORY OF CHURCH AND HISTORY OF DOGMA AND ALSO OF COURSE HISTORY OF THE WHOLE WORLD.BRO BRANHAM USED TO SAY THAT HIS TEACHING CONCERNING THE AGES IS PROVED BOTH BY SCRIPTURE AND HISTORY.SO NO BETTER PLACE TO LOOK FOR.Before I learned about IRENEAUS I also learned about the other angels, but that is history ahead. The thing is that I found that it was this man who made the most important drive-out-afar from apostolic pattern. Here I will just post a resume on the subject, but we had have entire studies on the subject. CERTAINLY HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR AT LEAST FIVE MAJOR DOCTRINES OF THE ACTUAL "CATHOLIC" CHURCH. 1-He gave the full authority to the CHURCH in such a way that annuled and dropped off the Angel Messenger, annulating the WORD;Yes, the WORD, AND ONLY THE WORD, must reign in the church. 2- He set up TRADITION as more authoritative than REVELATION 3- He "invented" the succession of the "Roman bishops" giving preeminence to Rome on all other churches. 4- And if it were little HE INSERTED THE ETERNITY OF THE SON in christian doctrine giving stand to the development of TRINITARIAN ORTHODOX STYLE DOCTRIN. Amazing? Yes because I thougt he was 100% Word but he wasn´t.He was the initiator of the TRINITARIAN DOCTRINE which erupted some a hundred and forty five years later at Nicea. Read his book "Against Heresies" and you will find it. Read Book III chapter 8th and PARAGRAPH 3, you will find the he states that the SON was UNCREATED AND "the Son had no beginning" cause was gendered in an "eternal act". (This is the foundation for "Eternal Sonship".5- IREANEUS PLACED ROME AS THE HEAD OF ALL CHURCHES, (here is your romanism) cause she had the "two most high apostles, Peter and Paul) Yes Ireneaus is the FATHER OF ROMANISM,every time you see the blasphemous name Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, think of Ireneaus, without him this name was impossible.We can state solemnly that without him the catholic church could not had "old" heritage to prove themselves apostolic.(I´ll be posting much more data, this is just the beginning) Scrutinize all things SPARE THE GOOD. (back to index)
3. OPINION. Our little way of overview to some common but wrong teachings of our time. (back to index)
4. PULPIT. (back to index)
5. END TIME THESIS. (back to index)
6. BAD NAMES,GREAT MEN.HEROES OF FAITH. Yes, there is marvelous, holy man, that had fought by the truth and now we see at them as devils...it the winners phalse propaganda, the "oficial" version ...as with Jesus, the "oficial" voice among the jews shows him as a heretic, a son of fornication, an evil, ill famed person...exactly what the Lord predicted will occur. In the Ages were so many wonderful men: Arius, Lucian of Antiokyia, Paul of Samosata, Michael Servetus, the italians Socinus, (Fausto and Laelio) to whom we own the separation of State and Religion as modern Harvard investigation demonstrates, YET THEY ARE DEVILS FOR THE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE, even our precious brother Branham had this influence in the ignorance, perhaps, and very possible, of the theologians such as bro Vayle, which no doubt has the influence of the school which allways had condemmned those men.But there is no "obscurity" that will not come unto light...!
Arius of Alexandria.When you take a little time to study the ages...Oh! there is a lot of beautiful chapters writen for those that had loved the purity of the gospel and the Word.From the very beginning of christianity it´s been a path of blood and it will finish in the same way. Well, it is no wonder, since Cain and Abel this has been the story.Satan is an specialist in conspiring. He did it at Eden itself.He ploted against the very family of God in the very hearth of their home! As it is read in the psalms, they make a precise investigation...to give a deadly wound. One of Satan´s favorite weapon is phalse accusation.Phalse testimony. It is to accuse somebody of doing something that he has not done.In Jesus trial Satan could´t find any accusation, so he found it twisting the Word: by a wrong interpretation Jesus was accused of usurpation, as they thought,he pretended to be the Son of God. Since there this was a fovorite tool in the hands of Satan, taking adventage of the unbelief and ignorance of the people...he twist scriptures to kill the true sons and daughters of God.Same he did at Eden, he twisted the Word,the truth to perform a message.No wonder the Lord warned his disciples that they will be persecuted...and that it will come the day when would be killed,thinking it was a service to God. Well, with this in mind this is what I want to post here.To give honor to some of those that had suffered ignominia and death by the cause of the Gospel. One on those names is ARIUS of Alexandria perhaps the most blasphemed and shamed name in history.But we do not fear to take side with the destitutes.We do not look for "good name" in this earth,nor multitudes to believe us.We have no compromise but with what is truth. We have no compromise with no "scheme" to build something here.If we associate it is with those that love truth more than his lives.The truth of the Gospel.Even our Lord had a bad name in his time and among the jews until now as a "son of fornication".I want to disclose some about Arius which light from history and scripture shows a different picture of him.His Life.It is not certain his birth place, some authors name Lybia as to it. What is well known is that he was a man of virtue(good life testimony) and humble, not ambitious.
Gibbon´s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire states on page 493 vol.2 national library edition: "His most implacable adversaries have acknowledged the learning and blameless life of that eminent presbyter, who, in a former election, had declined, and perhaps generously declined, his pretension to the episcopal throne. His competitor Alexander assumed the office of his judge.The important cause was argued before him; and if at first he seemed to hesitate, he at length pronounced his final sentence as an absolute rule of faith. The undaunted presbyter who presumed to resist the authority of his angry bishop was separated from the communion of the Church. But the pride of Ariuis was supported by the applause of a numerous party. He reckoned among his inmediate followers two bishops of Egypt, seven presbyters, twelve deacons, and (what may appear almost incredible) seven hundred virgins. A large majority of the bishops of Asia appeared to support or favor his cause; and their measures were conducted by Eusebius of Cesarea, the most learned of the christian prelates, and by Eusebius of Nicomedia, who had acquired the reputation of a statesman without forfeiting that of a saint. Synods in Palestine and Bithynia were opposed to the synods of Egypt.The attention of the prince and people was attracted by this theological dispute; and the decision, at the end of six years, was referred to the supreme authority of the General Council of Nice."
What can we comment on this? The first thing is that this situation deserves a close examination, because the church had not yet fully fallen from the apostolic (Paul) foundation. Here was to be decided the final stand of the little flock and the destiny of the next thousand plus years of mankind were in balance...Satan was roaring...he had got the gerarchy of the church, had got a lot of phalse brethren , teachers, the doctrine of the Godhead had initiated a hundred forty years before a livening with the teaching specially the one of Ireneaus of Lyon.
Antiochya School
Here we want to disclose a little on the antiokyan "school" so named by historians. Usually they put this as a counter part for that of Alexandria, but lets take a closer look to it.
In the first place it is well known that the "first" school in terms of almost modern concept,was that of Alexandria in Egypt.It began with Pantenus, then Clemens gave a second strong step and finally Origen shaped it in definitive.It is known as the first "cientific" way of studying the Scripture. We will not disguise on such term or concept at this moment but let us note that in there,Alexandria, was indeed the first place to have such installment.A christian center for training in the Scriptures.It happened around the end of the second century and beginning of the second.They were well known by their alegoric method of interpretation and the arduos speculations and elaborations on diverse subjects of scripture. Antioch school merged around the original Antiokya, where first were Jesus followers called "christians".Althoug historians an most authors give more importance to the fith century authors of it (Theodore of Mopsuestia, Chrisostomo) it must be noted if we want to be loyal to the traces in history, it really began with Paul of Samosata,one of the first synod persecuted bishops because of his way of looking at Jesus.It is well to note that some authors let Paul of Samosata foreshadow to Lucian of Antiokya.This, effectively had a well known school that had so many pupils and disciples on the times of the fiery theological dispute of the time of Nicea. But how did those schools emerged? Note, this second Antioch school came to the scene some hundred plus years after that of Alexandria.This is a key to study the impelling motives of both. (back to index)
7. BIBLE MAIN DOCTRINES (back to index)
Sign GuestbookI´m writing this here Just to let be known what we believe to be a biblical teaching. We know that had been a lot of terrible things on regard this point. Ironically a lot of "followers" of Bro. Branham message call this an "eigth" belief.Some preachers sarcastically call this to be a"one and only" ministry. Utterly ignorance. So many had intended to take this position for themselves, but in spite of it all, we do believe is the only answer to the actual situation of the believers and world situation.
Just read, perhaps sometime may be useful to you.Or maybe the Holy Ghost will make it clear for you, whatever the situation, we publish it here.No matter what, cause we believe to be a revelation from the Bible for the last call for the gathering of the elect. This job must be done.
To the point. What is our base, our spcriptural foundation for this?Let´s give our Scriptural Witnesses for it:
1- Revelation 15:2,3 :
And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, Oh Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgements are made manifest.2-1st -Thesalonians Chap 4 verse 16 :
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Chirst shall rise first.
3- Revelations 10:11:
And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
Comment to revelations 15:2,3,4:
Let´s have a little comment here on those scriptures.
a)This scripture shows a work made by Moses alone.
Note: traditionally, in a light view of this text, every one places this as having ocurred in the tribulation period with Moses and Elijah together; a careful exam shows it is not made by Moses and Elijah together but Moses alone. It is to not mix the ministries.
b) It was a Gentile preaching, not to the 144,000 ! The 144,000 are in Rev 14: 1
c)It perfectly fits with the Elijah scriptures in the context Brother Branham gave. (Among the gentiles, because every interpreter applied it only to Israel)
d) The contex of Elijah scriptures applied to gentiles is enhanced giving out a full panorama and not an isolated one,it is that the appearing of Elijah´s ministry among the gentiles in the USA has a context, an entire program which got to be explained and no one has done yet; you cannot state that "Elijah is just a comimg" and that´s it.No, it raises and moves entire traditionally placed doctrines about the dispensations and specially about Israel !!! .
e)Note: to all nations, it is to the entire world, not just jews.(back to index)9.A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SEVEN CHURCH AGES
Here we intend to give a general overview to a sequence of the ages and how the apostolic church "fell".With the opening of the Seven Seals by the prophet William Marrion Branham, a new spiritually intellegible version of the History of the church was revealed.However now some 30 years ago that this message of the churches was delivered, the Lord has given us a further understanding about some issues specially in the first ages.So we will give now a sequence of facts from the beginning until now as we see it today.(back to index)
Mensaje: La semana 70 de Daniel (parte
Mensaje: La semana 70 de Daniel (parte 2)
Mensaje: 3a Parte (SON DIEZ EN TOTAL)
Message: The 70th week
of Daniel (part 1)
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