I love music of all kinds.
I truly do not have a preference.
I listen to what strikes my mood. That can be
anything from Gregorian Chant to Rock.I can't abide Gangsta Rap. It teaches
violence and that wrong is right.

The history of music is long and extensive. There is no way to include all of the history on one page. So I thought I would link to some of the more definitive sites found on the web. You'll find music broken down into periods of time...Medieval, Renaissance, etc. and links to sites that talk about what music is.The periods of music are broken down in approximate time frames.
Medieval (before 1450)
Renaissance (1450 - 1600)
Baroque (1600 - 1750)
Classical (1750 - 1820)
Romantic (1810 - 1910)
20th Century (1910 - Present)
Modern (1945 - Present)
Leonard Bernstein was one of the foremost composers of the 20th Century. He isn't known just for his music though. He is also known for the childrens programs that introduced kids around the world to a new world of sound. This LINK is a look at rhythm, melody, harmony etc...Those parts of music that Bernstein gave to the whole world.

Some of my favorite musicians, composers, and musical groups are: