Youth for Service provides assistance to youth and young adults so that they are able to enter today's competitive world and keep themselves trained for future employment opportunities. Our vision is to become a transition center for people of all ages to use throughout their working careers to help them work with organizations and enter educational institutions to obtain the new and necessary skills needed for gainful employment. In this endeavor, we have created collaboratives with City College of San Francisco, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco Unified School District's Regional Occupation Programs, and San Francisco State University.
We currently teach computer repair and computer literacy. We also offer, through the San Francisco Unified School District, G.E.D. preparation and the Youth Chance Alternative High School program. In addition, we provide English as a Second Language (ESL) G.E.D. classes for students who are experiencing difficulties with the English language.
In November of 1994, Youth for Service entered into an agreement with the Detwiler Foundation's "Computer for Schools Program," becoming one of 52 computer repair centers and one of 40 collection centers state wide for the purpose of recycling used computers back into the educational and non-profit sector. We recently signed and agreement with the State Department of Education to become one of 18 Certified Warranty Repair Centers. These programs are vital links to our computer repair program providing our students with practical applications in computer knowledge.
One of our goals is to create a multi-media training center utilizing our two-story building (32,000 sq. ft. of classrooms) to include all facets of the industry. Interactive media projects are transforming almost every activity in our society. Multi-Media offers so many opportunities to learn new skills, create innovative programs, launch new series, design new games, tell stories that haven't been told and generate new jobs. These are the jobs for the future in which individuals without a college degree can earn living wages.
Youth For Service cooperates with many organizations including: Coalition od Low Income Housing Tenants; Federal Department of Housing & Urban Development; Fresh Start Homeless Program; Goodwill Industries; Habitat for Humanity; Mayor's Office of Community Development; Mayor's Office of Children, Youth & their Families; National Association for Black Veterans; Recreational Centers for the Handicapped; San Francisco Building Trade Council; San Francisco Housing Authority; Swords to Plowshares; Walden House; and YouthBuild USA.