adnban (tree cl): ug adnban (Olk), uk adnban (Oyk), (1) Brush fish trap; (2) Windbreak [= Uw Olkola ug urrgan and Uw Oykangand uk urrkan in Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy]
ajin (Olk), Set fire, cook, burn (RR-class verb, root /aji-/, past /-rr/, imperative /-l/, northern Olkola imperative /-ng/). Example sentences: ebmal athen ajirr, I burned my foot. inh alhul ajil, Put the minya on the fire (i.e. to cook).
alk [15 KB .wav file], Spear, generic classifier for spears, spear parts and some trees important in spear industry (root: /alka/; ergative/locative: alka-nhdh)
amban (Olk, Oyk), Causing (RR-class verb, root /amba-/, past /-rr/, imperative /-l/). Note: This verb is used as a causitiviser or transitiviser with intransitive verb roots. An example is the verb "bring" (trans) (elkenh amban in Uw Oykangand and elgenh amban in Uw Olkola) which is composed of the verb root "come" (elke- in Uw Oykangand, elge- in Uw Olkola) and amban. This gives the meaning of "cause to come," or "bring." In these compound structures the first verb root always has the non-finite augment (-n for RR-class verbs and -nh for L-class verbs).
abmangg amban (Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy), Grave
ambanant (Oyk), Private parts
ambangalang (Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy [Olg]), Mirage
ambaranhdhal (tree cl): ug ambaranhdhal (Olk), Melaleuca sp.
andun (food cl): egng andun (Olk), giant waterlily, Nymphaea gigantea [Different parts of this plant have specific names: the tuber is egng inyjil, the stalk is egng odndo and the flower is egng arrjal.]
antun (food cl): egng antun (Oyk), giant waterlily, Nymphaea gigantea [Different parts of this plant have specific names: the tuber is egng inychil, the stalk is egng odndoy and the flower is egng arrchal.]
arrchenh (Oyk), Set fire, cook, burn (L-class verb, root /arrche-/, past /-l/, imperative /-y/). In the sense of cooking: egng arrchenm ay, I been cooking damper. In the sense of setting a fire: ukan unggul | anhul arrchel, Who set the bush fire over there?
arrgen (ghost cl): aphim arrgen (Oyk), Ghost of a man
arrgi (Olk)
arrgi (Olk), Land, Ground, Earth, Place, Camp
arrgi abmbur (Olk), Dust
arrgi ebmbebmbol (Olk), Burial platform
arrgi elambungg (Olk), Baby spirit place
arrgi elbmbelbmben (Olk), Claypan
arrgi ewa (Olk), Hole
adn arrgi ewa (Olk), Anus
idn arrgi ewa (Olk), Vagina
ulbmul arrgi ewa (Olk), Nostril
arrgi ijnyja (Olk), (Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy [Olg]), Poison country
arrgi obmo (Olk), Poison country
arrgng (Olk)
olbel arrgng (Olk), Melaleuca argentea
olphel arrgng (Oyk), Melaleuca argentea
ug arrgnga (Olk), Melaleuca argentea
arrgnganyj (tree cl): ug arrgnganyj (Olk), ironwood tree, Erythrophleum chlorostachys; (2) ironwood tree wax
arrgon (fish cl): uy arrgon (Olk), Leiopotherapon unicolor
arriman (Oyk), (1) Stone, pebble; (2) Cicatrising stone
arrin (Olk, Oyk), Hitting, killing (RR-class verb, root /arri-/, reduplicated root /arrarri-/, past /-rr/, imperative /-l/, northern Olkola imperative /-ng/). This verb can take an instrumental noun, as in achinhdh arri-rr ay inun (Uw Oykangand), I hit you with a yamstick. When there is an instrumental noun and no agent, the sense is passive: arrimanhdh arri-rr adhun (Uw Oykangand), I been hit by a stone.
athomanyj (Olk), 1st person singular possessive pronoun ("my/mine") [This pronoun is used to express possession of semantically ergative nouns: ut athomanyj adharr athun, my dog bit me.]
athu (tree cl): ug athu (Olk), Spider sp.
athumunyj (Olk), variant of athomanyj
athun (Olk), 1st person singular accusative pronoun ("me")
ewomben (tree cl): ug ewomben (Olk), (1) coolibah tree, Eucalyptus microtheca [= Uw Olkola ug oywon and Uw Oykangand uk oywon in Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy]; (2) box tree, Eucalyptus sp. [= Uw Oykangand uk ijnyjiw and Uw Olkola ug ijnyjib in Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy]
idndir (tree cl): uk idndir (Oyk), gutta-percha tree, Excoecaria parvifolia
idndir (meat cl): inh idndir (Olk, Oyk), a large game reptile, i.e. a large goanna, saltwater crocodile or freshwater crocodile (this word can also used to modify the specific name for these reptile species: inh agondel idndir for a large goanna.
idun (Oyk), Spearing, poking, hitting, sticking (RR-class verb, root /idu-/, reduplicated root /ididu-/, past /-rr/, imperative /-l/). This verb may take an instrumental noun phrase: alka-nhdh idu-rr ay inun, I hit you with a spear. When there is an instrumental noun and no agent, the sense is passive: alka-nhdh idu-rr adhun, A spear been poke me.
ithodh (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one there near you": the declarative proximate deictic [distant from the speaker but near the listener], in ergative/locative case.
itholg (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one there near you": the declarative proximate deictic [distant from the speaker but near the listener], in purposive case.
itholng (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one there near you": the declarative proximate deictic [distant from the speaker but near the listener], in possessive case.
ithom (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one there near you": the declarative proximate deictic [distant from the speaker but near the listener], in absolutive case.
ithomam (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one there near you": the declarative proximate deictic [distant from the speaker but near the listener], in ablative case.
itodnhdh (tree cl): ug itodnhdh (Olk), Flagellaria indica
itulng (Oyk), Waist
itun (Olk), Spearing, poking, hitting, sticking (RR-class verb, root /itu-/, past /-rr/, imperative /-l/, northern Olkola imperative /-ng/). This verb may take an instrumental noun phrase: alga-nhdh itu-rr ay inun, I hit you with a spear. When there is an instrumental noun and no agent, the sense is passive: alga-nhdh itu-rr athun, A spear been poke me.
obmb (tree cl): ug obmb (Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy), Mitrephora froggattii
obmbay (Olk, Oyk), Good hunter [ud obmbay (Oyk), dog good at finding tucker; abm obmbay, good hunter; inh obmbay, good hunter; inh elkoy obmbay, good at hunting turtles]
alwur obmbay, Cheeky
obmben (land cl): arrbur obmben, Hole [= Uw Oykangand errk ew in Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy]
orjenh (Oyk), Put water on, put out (fire) (L-class verb, root /orje-/, past /-l/, imperative /-y/). This verb does not take water as a direct object, but water can be instrumental: alh ithom |ogo-l orje-l inang, Put out the fire with water. (Uw Oykangand, ogo-l is water-ergative)
udnanboy, (1) Resin pallet or smoothing board; (2) Babyboard [In Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy this takes the tree classifier: onychar udnanboy in Uw Oykangand and onyjar udnanboy in Uw Olkola]
udnarrarr, (1) Resin pallet or smoothing board; (2) Babyboard [In Uw Ilbmbanhdhiy this takes the tree classifier: onychar udnarrarr in Uw Oykangand and onyjar udnarrarr in Uw Olkola]
unggodh (Olk, Oyk), "This, this one here": the declarative proximate deictic [near to the speaker], in ergative/locative case.
unggolg (Olk, Oyk), "This, this one here": the declarative proximate deictic [near to the speaker], in purposive case.
unggolng (Olk, Oyk), "This, this one here": the declarative proximate deictic [near to the speaker], in possessive case.
unggom (Olk, Oyk), "This, this one here": the declarative proximate deictic [near to the speaker], in absolutive case.
unggomam (Olk, Oyk), "This, this one here": the declarative proximate deictic [near to the speaker], in ablative case.
unggudh (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one over there": the declarative remote deictic [distant from both the speaker and listener], in ergative/locative case.
unggul (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one over there": the declarative remote deictic [distant from both the speaker and listener], in absolutive case.
unggulam (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one over there": the declarative remote deictic [distant from both the speaker and listener], in ablative case.
unggulg (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one over there": the declarative remote deictic [distant from both the speaker and listener], in purposive case.
unggulng (Olk, Oyk), "That, that one over there": the declarative remote deictic [distant from both the speaker and listener], in possessive case.