
Cape York Peninsula

Edible plant products

Plant usage in material culture

Uw Oykangand and Uw Olkola wordlist
Pakanh wordlist
Ayapathu wordlist
Topical search index

Uw Oykangand and Uw Olkola information

Acrobat (.PDF) files of the phonemes and orthography for Uw Olkola, Uw Oykangand and Pakanh
(requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

The fauna page: Browse through a list (ordered genetically) of the mammals, birds, crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs, fish and crustaceans native to the traditional lands of the Uw Oykangand, Uw Olkola and Pakanh peoples.

Central Cape tree and plant list
Edible plant products
Plant usage in material culture

The Material Culture page: A list of the
Constructions, Containers, Ornaments, Weapons, and Tools which make up the traditional material culture of the Uw Oykangand and Uw Olkola people.

Welcome to the Uw Oykangand and Uw Olkola Multimedia Dictionary. Uw Oykangand and Uw Olkola are Australian Aboriginal languages spoken in central Cape York Peninsula in far north Queensland. This dictionary is a community-based initiative of the Kowanyama Aboriginal Community Council funded by grants from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS). Philip Hamilton worked with the Uw Oykangand and Uw Olkola elders to write down the language and collect the other materials for this dictionary.

For more information contact:

Kowanyama Land and Natural Resources Management Office
Attn: Gary Druwein
Kowanyama, QLD 4871 Australia
phone: +61.70.605187, fax: +61.70.605250

Philip Hamilton
50 Alexander St., Apt. 501, Toronto, Ontario M4Y1B6 Canada
phone: +1.416.972.1017

This dictionary was funded by AIATSIS grants #93-4669 and #95-5028. Philip Hamilton also received received additional funding related to this dictionary from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (grants #752-93-2392 and #756-95-0184). Geoff Stewart played a crucial role in organising the plant identifications and images. And Viv Sinnamon provided invaluable assistance in the first year of the project, while he was Director of the Land and Natural Resources Management Office at Kowanyama. Ultimately the biggest debt of thanks is to the Olkola and Oykangand elders themselves who patiently shared their words and wisdom with us.

Web design by Philip Hamilton. This title page was created on Thu Oct 18 1996; it was last updated on Sun Jul 5 1998. The text of this multimedia dictionary are © 1997 Kowanyama Land and Natural Resources Management Office and Philip Hamilton. The HTML, web design and images credited "PH" are © 1997 Philip Hamilton. The material culture images are of specimens held at the Kowanyama Land and Natural Resources Management Office. Public display of some of these images may cause distress or offense to some Aboriginal people. Images of deceased Aboriginal people are likely to cause great distress if seen by their loved ones. For this reason all images are © 1997 Philip Hamilton and Kowanyama Land and Natural Resources Management Office. Absolutely no use without prior consent from the copyright holders.

URL: /~capeyork/
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Links to this site are found on:
ANU's Australian Indigenous Languages page
ANU Library's Linguistics page
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander WWW Resource Directory
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander WWW Resource Directory
Australian Linguistics Network
AUSTRALEX (Australasian Association for Lexicography) Homepage
The LINGUIST List: Dictionaries
The LINGUIST List: Language & Language Family Information
A Web of On-line Dictionaries
A Web of On-line Dictionaries II
The Human-Languages Page
Online Language Dictionaries and Translators
Internet Resource database
Languages: XEuropean
Native Web: Dictionaries
Jennifer's Page of Links: Dictionaries, grammars, and other online language resources