Pound Gap

This mountain pass that leads from Wise County, VA into Letcher

Co., KY was a gateway for Indian hunting and raiding parties, 

surveying parties, and the pioneer families from NC, SC, VA, & 

TN looking for new land to settle.  Originally this Pass through

the Cumberland Mountains was called "Sounding Gap." It was the 

site of a Confederate camp and breastworks guarding Southwest VA

from Union forces.  Just along the VA/KY border at the Gap is a 

rock where scouts were posted by Colonel Picketts to watch for 

approaching enemy forces.  This rock was called Pickett Rock in 

early days.  Today it is known as Raven Rock.

Pound Gap was also used by men in trouble with the law for one 

reason or another to escape from one state to the other to avoid

arrest.  Along the road from the Pound to Pound Gap were a 

large number of roadhouses where shooting, fighting and robbery 

were commonplace.  On one stretch of this road was a place 

called the "Mudhole" where the road became so muddy at times it 

was difficult for travelers to cross and many robberies and 

murders took place at this site.

Raven Rock

Jenkins, KY looking from Pound Gap Area

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