L.B.J. + C.I.A. + F.B.I. = dead J.F.K.

You have entered my free speech sanctuary.
Where blasphemy is tolerated and even encouraged.
Please proceed with Caution!
Or else!

S.L.A. 1974

"Somebody said -- not Tim Leary, "LSD is a psychedelic drug
which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who
have not taken it." Now a lot of drugs are like that,and
we have a lot of psychotic people running around who have
been driven mad by drugs they never took. But what they did
take was your civil rights, your freedom to guide your own
life, and your right to make your own decisions. This kind
of thing is intolerable. If there is an iota of possibility
that these substances enhance consciousness -- and remember,
they used to be called "consciousness expanding" drugs (just
a straight phenomenological description) - if there's an
iota of possibility that they augment consciousness, then we
have to put the pedal to the metal in this matter. Because
it is the absence of consciousness that is pushing us toward
extinction, that is causing us to loot our children's future,
that is causing us to accept the elimination of thousands of
species per month without pouring into the streets to loot
and smash the institutions of those who allow these kinds of
atrocities to go forward. I think the era of politeness has
gone on just about long enough and there's going to have to
come a moment where people stand up and are counted.

-- Terence McKenna

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