Chris Morrow - 11/09/00 03:33:04 My Email:morrow@zoomnet.netyour location: Ohio Your Path: wiccan..but needs teacher for me and my g/f
Comments: oh i forgot to mention.. I LOVE ANIMALZ!!!! my favorite animal is the fox.. a guess its kinda relative to the dog.. which is listed as one of sagitarius's animals( i was born 12/17/1981) the other is a horse.. Chris Morrow - 11/09/00 03:22:59 My Email:morrow@zoomnet.netyour location: Ohio Your Path: wiccan.. but i need teaching just as anyone else
Comments: i love your site.. so wonderful to see something in this world that is not tainted by hate or fear. i hope that all will practice tolerance of all beings .. i myself feel alone sometimes.. my girlfriend seems to be the only sanctuary from the prejudices that spew from Rock Hill( basically the most racist High School in OHIO.. which i do not claim.. i at end the Vocational School.. but i still hafta ride RH bus)everywhere we go we have to hide from stereotypes and misinterpretations of what we are.. we need teaching.. but unfortunately i doubt there are any covens in our part of Southern Ohio..(ick.. i di like that term.. Southern.. sounds so Confederate) clansmen, skinheads.. and a few christians hate what they fear without even giving second thought... i hope hate will cease to exist one day.. Brittany - 11/05/00 23:00:01 My
Comments: I like your site. I'm a Wiccan. Nancy - 10/11/00 18:45:30 My Email:RonslilAngel1@aol.comyour location: ca Your Path: celt
Comments: Michelle Bosserman - 10/01/00 06:14:25 My My Email:robynwolfe61@hotmail.comyour location: Harrisonburg,VA Your Path: Celtic witch
Comments: This is lovely! Thankyou,Mike. Blessed be and merry meet again. Robynwolfe Nicole - 08/10/00 01:38:30 My URL:http://n-a My Email:n-ayour location: MN Your Path: pagan
Comments: "Blessed be" and good wishes to you dryad - 06/06/00 18:30:01 My URL:http://none at present My Email:none at presentyour location: Georgia Your Path: witch
Comments: I loved this page!!! Bryon Noel - 02/14/00 17:02:43 My Email:bonoel@ems.att.comyour location: Atlanta Your Path: Wiccan
Comments: brandon nelson - 11/15/99 15:09:42 My Email:iabvbfjfyour location: walker Your Path: hell
Comments: Nastrander - 11/14/99 14:12:24 My URL: My Email:nastrander@hotmail.comyour location: Nastrand Your Path: Powers of Nature
Greetings, excellent page, I agree totally, Pagainism is terribly misunderstood. Perhaps you would like to join us in our quest to end the misunderstanding of that most ancient and honorable symbol of life, nature, and man.... I refer to of course the swa tika, a powerful pagan symbol I might also add. Best wishes in you endeavours. Maja - 10/06/99 21:39:40 My URL: My
Comments: cool homepage! I love it!! Tina - 09/12/99 07:28:54 your location: New York
Comments: Mona Twocats - 06/07/99 08:29:34 My URL:/Wellesley/Gazebo/4290 My Email:m2cats@juno.comyour location: Bakersfield, CA Your Path: eclectic - mostly goddess-centered
Comments: It is always good to see the work of other pagans. Glad you are educating the public Mona Twocats - 06/07/99 08:29:24 My URL: My Email:m2cats@juno.comyour location: Bakersfield, CA Your Path: eclectic - mostly goddess-centered
Comments: It is always good to see the work of other pagans. Glad you are educating the public Stumpy D - 05/28/99 22:50:26 My URL:You Have It Your Path: Righteuosness
Comments: Vixen toe cheese! Stumpy D - 05/25/99 21:22:25 My Email:you already have ityour location: planet Zero Your Path: righteousness Comments: Vovin likes toecheese White Tiger - 03/12/99 05:45:25 My Email:Romeo1260@aol.comyour location: Utah Your Path: Wicca: solitary practitioner Comments: I love your web-site it gives me so much information. White Tiger - 03/12/99 05:41:45 My Email:Romeo1260@aol.comyour location: Utah Your Path: Wicca: solitary practitioner Comments: I love your web-site it gives me so much information. rowan amber - 03/05/99 20:07:29 My location: england Your Path: celtic wicca Comments: merry meet Mike, I'm new to this and am starting what I believe will be a lifetime of study! Although a solitary I would like to one day join a coven (just as soon as I find one!) Thank you for the knowledge you have shared, BLESSED BE! Renee Shores - 12/21/98 06:53:45 My Email:vllgwtch@povn.comyour location: Washington State Your Path: Self Aware Comments: Merry Meet Mike I enjoyed your page. Good Luck ALACRITE TRISCALE - 12/19/98 00:51:11 My Email:CPONSCHKE@MAILEXCITE.COMyour location: VAN NUYS CALIFORNIA Your Path: SOL CELTIC WITCH Comments: HAIL AND BLESSED BE...MERRY MEET IM ALACRITE...AND IM PLEASED TO HAVE FOUND YOUR PAGE, WISHING YOU AND YOURS A BEAUTIFUL WINTER'S SOLSTICE AND MANY BLESSINGS THIS YULETIDE SEASON ... MERRY PART ALONE ALACRITE...* ALACRITE TRISCALE - 12/19/98 00:51:10 My Email:CPONSCHKE@MAILEXCITE.COMyour location: VAN NUYS CALIFORNIA Your Path: SOL CELTIC WITCH Comments: HAIL AND BLESSED BE...MERRY MEET IM ALACRITE...AND IM PLEASED TO HAVE FOUND YOUR PAGE, WISHING YOU AND YOURS A BEAUTIFUL WINTER'S SOLSTICE AND MANY BLESSINGS THIS YULETIDE SEASON ... MERRY PART ALONE ALACRITE...* lance palasky - 12/18/98 02:27:36 My Email:LANCE.PALASKY@worldnet.att.netyour location: cleburne,tx Your Path: ????new at wicca Comments: Hello!!!! I'm new at this way of life,but I feel so at peace! I've allways been interested in this but was scared on people would say,but now that I choose my own path,I can follow what my heart desires!! Celtic ways have drawn me into a solitude state of mind.So I guess I am drawn toward the CELTIC path.If you have any info on the celtic path please send them along!!!!!!! BLESSED BE LANCE David Knuth - 11/09/98 18:47:13 My URL: My Email:knuthad@qtm.netyour location: Michigan Comments: nice site Silver Phoenix - 11/06/98 19:08:13 My URL: My Email:silverphoenix@cybergal.comyour location: Michigan Your Path: Hereditary Celtic Pagan Comments: Hello there !!! Very nice page, I have bookmarked it for future visits. I now invite you to visit my page. Sign a guestbook so I will know you were there. Peace Michele O'Connell - 10/30/98 18:36:24 My Email:michele_o_connel@hotmail.comyour location: California/Ireland Your Path: Celtic Wicca Comments: I am very pleased to see really good pagan web sites such as yours. My family has been practicing Witchcraft for years and a few were burned because of it. Thank you for helping spread the word and banish people's fear. People always hate what they do ot understand and only through education can we replace the hate. Blessed Be. Michele O'Connell - 10/30/98 18:32:44 My Email:michele_o_connel@hotmail.comyour location: California/Ireland Your Path: Celtic Wicca Comments: I am very pleased to see really good pagan web sites such as yours. My family has been practicing Witchcraft for years and a few were burned because of it. Thank you for helping spread the word and banish people's fear. People always hate what they do ot understand and only through education can we replace the hate. 10/26/98 10:18:17 Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Comments: Just surfing. Thanks. Sandy Simpson - 10/24/98 21:48:53 My Email:zsimpson@telusplanet.netyour location: Wainwright Alberta Canada Your Path: Celtic Wicca Comments: Great Page, I'd appreaciate any mail. I've been practicing over 13yrs (solitary). I have 3 small children whom I'm raising in the craft. Anyone with with children being raised in the craft, would love to swap ideas(Its a challange). Blessed Be! Shawn Huston {ARCON} - 10/24/98 03:13:25 your location: Engel wood CO. Your Path: MIC. in,net Expl. Comments: hi i am looking fo a coven, in my area. please help me in my search and i will be glad to help you with yours. Land mail me @ 8165 S. poplarway, J302, Engelwood Co. 80112. Thank you!!!!:-) Jen aka SilverVixen - 09/10/98 05:13:43 My URL: My Email:SilverVolpe@hotmail.comyour location: Philadelphia Your Path: Strega Witch Comments: *Greetings Mike* ! Wow! You have done a wonderful job on this page! I cannot wait to see what you will be adding next. I especially love your section on the "Book of Shadows". Best of Luck in all you set out to achieve and Blessed Be. Lady Moonfire - 08/28/98 12:41:01 My URL: My Email:moonpfyr@bellsouth.netyour location: South Florida Your Path: Gardnerian Trad. Comments: Interesting site. Good information. Your hard work shows. Blessed Be! Cindy - 08/27/98 12:40:55 My URL: My comment: Nice page... cum see the free sex at the url above!! Comments: karen - 08/13/98 13:16:19 My URL: your location: Pa/NJ Your Path: new wiccan Comments: I feel as though I have wasted so much time. Not seeing the "forest for the trees" Never has a philosophy felt so right. Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:05:51 My URL: My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.comComments: Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you! Crystal Friedrichs - 07/02/98 22:21:37 My URL:http://NA My Email:NAyour location: 3647 S.12 apt.3 Sheboygan,WI 53081 Your Path: Novice Comments: If your mail is free could you send it to my home address. I would really like to start doing more magick and spells. I would really like to get more info and advise so if you could get back to me soon. I would really like to start my four corners but I eed these things to do it. *Blessed Be with Perfect Love Perfect Trust* Jennifer Crabtree - 06/20/98 16:23:44 My Email:KRYCEK-1@WEBTV.NETyour location: St.Petersburg,FL Your Path: 557 73rd av n Comments: I think you info very helpful.Thank you very much Jennifer Crabtree Lori Donaldson - 06/12/98 23:59:09 My Email:PAULORI@worldnet.attyour location: Chesterfield, VA Your Path: celtic wicca Comments: only a novice, I need guidance! Kades Schnell - 05/28/98 15:09:05 My Email:N-Ayour location: 2601 Parkway Dr. #13 Stevens Point, WI. 54481 Your Path: Pagan/Goddess of Coven Comments: I would like to receive mail about your beliefs and rituals if that would be possilbe please let me know. I will be moving soon but as soon as I do I will let you know and at that time will release further information about Email addresses and such. Tha k You for your time. -Kades Anghared - 02/22/98 00:29:03 My Email:lucky2@mc.netyour location: N. E. Illinois Your Path: Hereditary Brit. Old Religion. Comments: What sort/form of articles are you looking for? Do you have any format requirements? Size restrictions? Tess Alta Wolf VonRokkenhausen - 02/05/98 06:17:33 My Email:TessT1000@aol.comyour location: Santa Cruz, CA Your Path: enlightenment Comments: I am looking for a "magick" alphabet, such as enochian or malachian, to enhance the power of my spells. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts thus far. Any help would be appreciated. Blessed Be~Tess - 01/26/98 05:06:11 My Email:silvertrout@yahoo.comComments: please put me on your mail list Katherine MacLean - 01/25/98 15:51:37 My URL:/me/ My Email:KatherineMacLean@hotmail.comComments: I can learn a lot from looking over your shoulder while you work. Mike "vovin" - 01/01/98 18:55:45 My URL: My Email:Magikmyth@aol.comyour location: GlenBurnie, MD Your Path: Celtic Wicca Comments: My Home Page | Visit Athens/Delphi | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage
Comments: Vovin likes toecheese White Tiger - 03/12/99 05:45:25 My Email:Romeo1260@aol.comyour location: Utah Your Path: Wicca: solitary practitioner
Comments: I love your web-site it gives me so much information. White Tiger - 03/12/99 05:41:45 My Email:Romeo1260@aol.comyour location: Utah Your Path: Wicca: solitary practitioner
Comments: I love your web-site it gives me so much information. rowan amber - 03/05/99 20:07:29 My location: england Your Path: celtic wicca
Comments: merry meet Mike, I'm new to this and am starting what I believe will be a lifetime of study! Although a solitary I would like to one day join a coven (just as soon as I find one!) Thank you for the knowledge you have shared, BLESSED BE! Renee Shores - 12/21/98 06:53:45 My Email:vllgwtch@povn.comyour location: Washington State Your Path: Self Aware
Comments: Merry Meet Mike I enjoyed your page. Good Luck ALACRITE TRISCALE - 12/19/98 00:51:11 My Email:CPONSCHKE@MAILEXCITE.COMyour location: VAN NUYS CALIFORNIA Your Path: SOL CELTIC WITCH
Comments: Hello!!!! I'm new at this way of life,but I feel so at peace! I've allways been interested in this but was scared on people would say,but now that I choose my own path,I can follow what my heart desires!! Celtic ways have drawn me into a solitude state of mind.So I guess I am drawn toward the CELTIC path.If you have any info on the celtic path please send them along!!!!!!! BLESSED BE LANCE David Knuth - 11/09/98 18:47:13 My URL: My Email:knuthad@qtm.netyour location: Michigan
Comments: nice site Silver Phoenix - 11/06/98 19:08:13 My URL: My Email:silverphoenix@cybergal.comyour location: Michigan Your Path: Hereditary Celtic Pagan
Comments: Hello there !!! Very nice page, I have bookmarked it for future visits. I now invite you to visit my page. Sign a guestbook so I will know you were there. Peace Michele O'Connell - 10/30/98 18:36:24 My Email:michele_o_connel@hotmail.comyour location: California/Ireland Your Path: Celtic Wicca
Comments: I am very pleased to see really good pagan web sites such as yours. My family has been practicing Witchcraft for years and a few were burned because of it. Thank you for helping spread the word and banish people's fear. People always hate what they do ot understand and only through education can we replace the hate. Blessed Be. Michele O'Connell - 10/30/98 18:32:44 My Email:michele_o_connel@hotmail.comyour location: California/Ireland Your Path: Celtic Wicca
Comments: I am very pleased to see really good pagan web sites such as yours. My family has been practicing Witchcraft for years and a few were burned because of it. Thank you for helping spread the word and banish people's fear. People always hate what they do ot understand and only through education can we replace the hate. 10/26/98 10:18:17
Comments: Just surfing. Thanks.
Sandy Simpson - 10/24/98 21:48:53 My Email:zsimpson@telusplanet.netyour location: Wainwright Alberta Canada Your Path: Celtic Wicca
Comments: Great Page, I'd appreaciate any mail. I've been practicing over 13yrs (solitary). I have 3 small children whom I'm raising in the craft. Anyone with with children being raised in the craft, would love to swap ideas(Its a challange). Blessed Be! Shawn Huston {ARCON} - 10/24/98 03:13:25 your location: Engel wood CO. Your Path: MIC. in,net Expl.
Comments: hi i am looking fo a coven, in my area. please help me in my search and i will be glad to help you with yours. Land mail me @ 8165 S. poplarway, J302, Engelwood Co. 80112. Thank you!!!!:-) Jen aka SilverVixen - 09/10/98 05:13:43 My URL: My Email:SilverVolpe@hotmail.comyour location: Philadelphia Your Path: Strega Witch
Comments: Interesting site. Good information. Your hard work shows. Blessed Be!
Comments: I feel as though I have wasted so much time. Not seeing the "forest for the trees" Never has a philosophy felt so right. Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:05:51 My URL: My
Comments: Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you! Crystal Friedrichs - 07/02/98 22:21:37 My URL:http://NA My Email:NAyour location: 3647 S.12 apt.3 Sheboygan,WI 53081 Your Path: Novice
Comments: If your mail is free could you send it to my home address. I would really like to start doing more magick and spells. I would really like to get more info and advise so if you could get back to me soon. I would really like to start my four corners but I eed these things to do it. *Blessed Be with Perfect Love Perfect Trust* Jennifer Crabtree - 06/20/98 16:23:44 My Email:KRYCEK-1@WEBTV.NETyour location: St.Petersburg,FL Your Path: 557 73rd av n
Comments: I think you info very helpful.Thank you very much Jennifer Crabtree Lori Donaldson - 06/12/98 23:59:09 My Email:PAULORI@worldnet.attyour location: Chesterfield, VA Your Path: celtic wicca
Comments: only a novice, I need guidance! Kades Schnell - 05/28/98 15:09:05 My Email:N-Ayour location: 2601 Parkway Dr. #13 Stevens Point, WI. 54481 Your Path: Pagan/Goddess of Coven
Comments: I would like to receive mail about your beliefs and rituals if that would be possilbe please let me know. I will be moving soon but as soon as I do I will let you know and at that time will release further information about Email addresses and such. Tha k You for your time. -Kades Anghared - 02/22/98 00:29:03 My Email:lucky2@mc.netyour location: N. E. Illinois Your Path: Hereditary Brit. Old Religion.
Comments: What sort/form of articles are you looking for? Do you have any format requirements? Size restrictions? Tess Alta Wolf VonRokkenhausen - 02/05/98 06:17:33 My Email:TessT1000@aol.comyour location: Santa Cruz, CA Your Path: enlightenment
Comments: I am looking for a "magick" alphabet, such as enochian or malachian, to enhance the power of my spells. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts thus far. Any help would be appreciated. Blessed Be~Tess - 01/26/98 05:06:11 My
Comments: please put me on your mail list Katherine MacLean - 01/25/98 15:51:37 My URL:/me/ My
Comments: I can learn a lot from looking over your shoulder while you work. Mike "vovin" - 01/01/98 18:55:45 My URL: My Email:Magikmyth@aol.comyour location: GlenBurnie, MD Your Path: Celtic Wicca