To be, or not to be. That is the question.
-William Shakespeare

Welcome to the Forgotten Poets Society homepage, this society was created on the beilief that people can obtain immortality through their words.

If one life is touched, if one word is remembered, then immortality is accomplished.

This society is for those who believe that love is not only worth dying for, but is the only reason to live.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
-Dylan Thomas

I'm glad to say that I am accepting submissions again. I've even added a new catigory. Since life is about more than Love and Forgetfullness, I've decided to add hate to the list.

Hate is a part of life, I, myself have vented some of my anger through my poetry and know that a lot of you have done the same. If you have a poem to share with the rest of the world, send it to me and I'll put it up for all to see. Thank you.

A note to everyone who has trouble reading this page, it is suppose to be yellow text against a black star field, if you're having trouble, highlight the words. Thanx.

Isn't all we ever seem,
just a dream within a dream?
-Edgar Allen Poe

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Starlight Cafe a very well done poetry page.

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