Zalhalla's Temple of Tarot
Welcome to the Temple of the Tarot
Hosted By: Zalhalla
Welcome, friend, to the Temple. Here, you will find various information about the Tarot, which still remains shrouded in mystic
auras. Below, there is a list of sites where you can find information about various aspects of the tarot, including a link to
an online course to learn how to use the cards.
Along with many aspects of the tarot follows many tools to dive into their waters. Many decks are available though U.S. Games
and can they be found online as well. The most widely used deck in the world is the Rider-Waite deck. This is the deck I have
been using for awhile, as well as the
Cerimonial Magick deck.
Who IS this Zalhalla?
I have been a student of the Tarot for only 2 months, but I have predicted a death, which occured within the hour of the reading.
My age is sixteen years old
I'm a Capricorn (born on the 25th day of December in 1980), and believe in living life to its fullest. Perhaps that's
one reason why I am so drawn to the Tarot.
I will be a Junior in High School come fall of 1997
Most importantly, I am not afraid.
What I mean by the last remark is my life has been in constant "Tower" mode. However, when I discovered the Tarot, my life
changed forever. Those who believed themselves better than myself became disallusioned with fear. The tables were turned.
They thought (however wrong) that I had dabbled into the Dark Arts. The Tarot is not a faction of the Dark Arts,
But merely a tool for the exploration of one's spirituality.
Where My Roots Have Sprouted
I live in Kentucky, where the tolerance level of "unorthodox" is primarily non-existent. The Tarot doesn't conform to other's views
of counrty living, so they assume I am a "witch". As of this post, I am not.
How I Began Using the Tarot
A friend of mine and I were discussing various topics one day, when the mystical subject of psychics came up. It slowly generated into
a discussion about the Tarot. She used to read, but doesn't anymore. I had always been fascinated bu the cards, but had been afraid to try.
I was concerned that a male reading the Tarot was taboo. I couldn't have been more wrong.
My First Deck
If you are just beginning to have an interest, there is some comfort in knowing it is possible to get your own deck free of charge. You can do it the way I did:
find the pictures on the internet, print them out, cut them out, and shuffle. My first deck was a compilation of printouts and still worked excellently.
More About the Tarot
There are many books about the Tarot. There is a page of Tarot book reviews [fifth link] which is written by a highly capable and intelligent woman.
[Hi Nina Lee!] Her site is very capable of handling your questions about books.
I have heard of a Tarot conference in Australia, but I regret I do not have the information currently to post.
Finally, if you are intersted in learning more about the Tarot, don't hesitate to contact me at the email address below.
Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me. I hope the links help you find your way.
Links to other sites on the Web
Tarot Online Course
Mary Greer's Page: TAROT: Tools and Rites of Transformation
Learning About the Tarot
US Games Tarot Decks
Some Tarot Book Reviews
Online Readings
Optional Email Sites:
May Your Path Be Illuminated With Happiness.
© 1997