May Goddess Guide You.inside Greg's head.May Goddess Guide You.

"An Ye Harm None, Do As Ye Will."

Greetz! Thanx for stopping by my little hole in the web. If youre here, I guess youre either bored or curious about me. Well, My true names Greg, and I like to play on the Internet. The following is a glimpse into my head, so to speak. Theres a little byt of alot of stuff in here. My friends, and a few pix. Theres pix of my dog, Cinnamon Grrl, and some gif images I like. My links dont say as much about my psyche as some myte thynk, but, my rant and rave section will eventually. So please, take a look around, kick the grey matter, see if the signals work, maybe even sign and read the guest book. And dont forget, Like me, hate me, no matter whych, Im out here, and its up to YOU how you deal wyth me.. ...

'Kay folks, this is a repost of an older page. SOME links and pix dont work, dates are old, and so is some info. Im working on the revision now, so, dont worry. If it doesnt work, Ill fix it here on good time. Till then, enjoy whats here!

{ About Me }.......{ My Links }......{My Friends}.......{ My Chat }

Thys syte certified


Pagan Promise Award.
Thank you Sarah, for giving a guy a chance. Wyth a little work, a little luck, and a little guidance, I'll justify the honor.

Which season are you?

{My Guestbook}

ICQ UIN#: 2287692.

{E-mail Me}

Youre the th lost soul to fall into thys pit
Last Updated: March 1st, 1998
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