
LATEX to HTML Conversion with Java

The need for a LATEX to HTML conversion utility is obvious to those, like myself, who use LATEX for document preparation and also have an interest in the Web.
While other conversion utilities exist they are somewhat platform dependent. Thus it would be desirable to produce a truly platform independent converter.
The most commonly used converter LaTeX2HTML while comprehensive, converts equations to (non-scaleable and large) .GIF graphics files which is not entirely satisfactory (it also does the same thing to pictures).
LaTeX2HTML does not convert LATEX tabular enviroment to HTML tables.
Java contains a number of facilities which aid this process (string parser, stacks of objects, hash tables).
Finally, I was learning Java and wanted a serious project to focus on.
Current Status
Basic conversion working, but does not handle equations and definitions.
Converts LATEX tabular environment to HTML 3.2 tables.
Converts LATEX pictures into (small) Java applets.
Handles multiple levels of input files.
Still has a few bugs to be ironed out.
View: LATEX Source
View: HTML Conversion
Download: (Not currently available)
Download Version 0.3: latml.zip

Page last amended: 27/6/1997 LFJ