Welcome to my Guestbook!

The KeyMaster and the Gatekeeper - 01/21/00 03:29:56
My URL:http://www.umich.edu/~cfjones
My Email:cfjones@umich.edu
Message: howdy

Hello Lady Ma'am! I was just surfing to show "James from fencing" your website. He thinks it's groovy--well organized, very thourough, and the pic of that Carolyn Girl was HOT! (says James :) Have a nice day :) CFJ

Charles - 01/01/00 22:34:18

easy enough. got the city, address, and phone number. you'll be hearing from me soon.

Charles Gentry - 01/01/00 22:27:29

With all the info you give I could screw you and all your family's life up. So Michigan ay? What high school do those ho's go to? Actually don't worry about telling me I can find out in about 3 minutes. Thanks!!!

Rev. Johannes Erich Myors - 12/24/99 12:33:06
My URL:/Yosemite/Geyser/7165
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com

Shalom from a new member of the Geocitizen's Ring.

big dong stud - 11/24/99 23:31:40
Message: hook me up

hook me up with those nympho twins. It sounds like they'll give it up to anyone. I'm sure they have had a lot of practice. starting in middle school and all.

Carrie Shee - 05/26/99 03:41:45
My Email:cfjones@umich.edu
Message: It's been too long Since I've visited your page...

D'Arcy, Loved your essay. Perfect picture of us, by the way.

Randal A. Burd, Jr. - 01/28/99 16:25:02
My URL:/SoHo/1028
My Email:burd@umr.edu
Message: Hello From the Former Occupant of Athens/Delphi/2648!!!

Ok...my web address isn't www.geocities.com. Thought I was pretty important for a minute there, huh? ;)

Randal A. Burd, Jr. - 01/28/99 16:23:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:burd@umr.edu
Message: Hello From the Former Occupant of Athens/Delphi/2648!!!

Hello. I accidently typed my old web address in and..well..here I am. I am also a poet and writer, but if you want to know more, you'll just have to visit my new homepage. ;) By the way, From one 20 year old to another, DOESN'T IT SUCK BEING A "STUDENT ??!!

Nikki - 01/04/99 14:38:50
My Email:Theniquee@aol.com

where's a picture of me?

Christina Cheal - 12/01/98 01:10:45
My Email:tcheal@yahoo.com

I love you web page, D'Arcy. Tell Jeff that he's got to help me get one up.

Christina Cheal - 12/01/98 01:08:27
My URL:http://tcheal@yahoo.com


Barry Randell - 11/13/98 22:27:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/5389
My Email:guydude@hotmail.com

Hey D'Arcy!! Long time no see/talk/write!!! Well, we've both been busy! You've made a great start on your page bud! Check out my page when you have time! Luv ya!

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