I live in Michigan with my parents and two of my sisters. I've always lived here, although people keep on asking me if I'm from England (I've got a subtle speech problem) I'm going to shut up about myself, however, since this whole webpage is dedicated to me!
This is my father with Dale at Lake Superiour at Whitefish Point(he's the one lying down). I got to live with him instead of my mother when my parents got divorced back in 1985. He's a great guy, I love him a lot, but I see him rarely because of our comflicting schedules. He works at ERIM, the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, but he doesn't do anything environmental. Mostly he works with radars and similar things.
When he's not working, he's either cooking for the family, doing laundry, grocery shopping, or helping one of us girls out with our homework. During the summer he attends to his garden in our backyard--when it isn't being eaten by the local bunny population.
Even though I think my father has a fingerprint on the moon (ask me sometime about that), his greatest achievement was snagging Dale as a wife. He's a quiet, ostrich-type fellow, and she's loud, boisterious, social, and demanding. It's like living with the Odd Couple, but, hey, they get along well. And don't let this picture fool you--since Feb., Dale has been slimming down incredibly! She's much thinner now than that picture I took back in 1996.
Dale has been trying to tame me since she got married to my father. She met me as a wild, tangled-haired, neglected, screaming child, and, over the years, has influenced me to be introspective, compassionate, quiet, as well as to brush my hair daily. She's a tough broad (Dale, forgive me if you're reading this, I only mean this in the most complimentary manner possible), has bounced back up from the Low Points many times, and I'm proud that she is a part of my family.
Right now these two (twins) are 17 years old and will be entering College before I realize it. They know the latest styles in clothing and music, are heavily involved and are talented in dance (ballet, jazz, modern, swing, Hawaiian), and have had more boyfriends already than I have ever had crushes (hey, they started at 3! And most of those "boyfriends" were never real ones...The only ones that I really count started in Middle School.) What can I say? They've also held relationships longer than I ever have!! (My latest record is 11 months, but that's only because I'm engaged) They matured at an earlier age than me... But, then again, they had to, although I won't get into that.
They're dears, at times, and pains, at others, just like sisters should be. My father adopted them from their real father when they were 3 years old--just after the marraige. They are more my sisters than any of my other siblings. I don't know what I'm going to do without them when I move out!! Who can I nag??
I've got a picture coming, of the three of us at MEDIEVAL TIMES down in Chicago, but I haven't downloaded it yet.
Nicole's specialty is photography, which she thinks she might pursue as a career, and Dani is heading towards teacherhood.
My babies!!! I've put so much energy into feeding, watering, washing, vet-ting, and shoving pills down throats, that I feel like I can rightfully claim them as my children. Too bad they're not considered Tax Deductable!!!
As my family is apparently color-blind with pets (we used to have dozens of black-and-white and black gerbils), what you see is what color they are. Pierre is the oldest of our bunch, and the only dog we ever kept. He's a 9-year-old miniture poodle with a nasty (and consequently short) temper. Our cats are Vlad and Ana, helpfully acquired from our vets.
Vlad (short for Vladimier) was named by my ostracized brother (this will be the only mention of THAT ONE), but he is the sweetest 15-pound cat that anyone has ever met. Huge, powerful, and loving--I swear he knows when anyone is sick, because he shows up to sit on their lap, out of nowhere!! Ana is the replacement that we got when Vlad's sister (Whisper) died, although I never consider her as such. She's furry, cuddly, purrs as loud as an old volkswagon, and puts up with whatever nonsensical position my sister Dani carries her in.
The other two are my pets--Alexander the Great and Sophie B. Hawkins, my cockatiels. They whistle, scream, fling themselves around their cage like mad creatures at the slightest sound....you gotta love 'em.
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Established: Oct. 30, 1998; Last updated: May 4, 1999