The authors notified the local British media of the memorial's existence, hoping to promote a greater appreciation of Moody's role in the disaster. The story ran on the front page of the Yorkshire Post on August 24, 1999, and Sheil was interviewed by Yorkshire BBC radio on August 25. Further media interest in the story has also been expressed.
Since the publication of the article, Sheil and Sundberg have been given more information about the headstone. As with many of the memorials in that section of the Woodlands cemetery, it has been the victim of vandalism, with the cross atop the memorial disappearing three years ago.
It should be noted here that the Yorkshire Post article omitted mention of Kerri Sundberg's role in tracing the memorial, and also her equal collaboration on the Lowe biography.
The authors of this site are currently looking at ways in which to promote the preservation and restoration of the site, a deeply touching memorial to the only junior deck officer lost in the disaster. This site will be updated as information comes to hand.
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This,
In Loving
Memory of
Her Youngest Son,
Born August 21st 1887,
Gave Up His Life,
In The Wreck Of The S.S. "TITANIC"
April 15th 1912.
That A Man Lay Down His Life For His
James Moody Biography