
Any attempt to appreciate the factors contributing to the Titanic disaster must take into account the role of the bridge officers. With their responsibilities pertaining to navigation and their role in overseeing the evacuation, these eight men became key figures in one of the most tragic and compelling events in maritime history. Much has been written in either blanket praise or condemnation of these individuals. However, a deeper understanding of the events of April 14/15 1912 can only arise from seeing the individuals and incidents in a wider historical context.

This site does not seek to examine their lives and actions in terms of a simplistic apportionment of praise and blame. We have sought to avoid the glib appellations "hero" or "villain". Instead, we seek to promote a more comprehensive understanding of these men both as human beings and as merchant mariners. In order to reach this level of understanding, one must take into consideration the backgrounds of these men, their training, the complex chain of events which led to both the disaster and its aftermath, and the mind-set of the era in which they lived. Only then are we able to see a more complete picture.

Events do not happen in a vacuum, and individuals do not act in isolation....

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Website design and layout by Kerri Sundberg

This site was created on January 31, 1999