Aliens & Dinosaurs



In our modern societies, we are bombarded by numerous books and movies on various sightings of UFO’s and Aliens. Seems odd, that there is no record of such sightings by our fore fathers a century or two back, than again , its possible that these Aliens, only reached, our solar system , in this century and they are experimenting and studying mankind before getting acquainted.  

Fears created by this thoughts, would indeed cause mankind, to develop shelters and armaments ( Area 51) for the top elite to hide and save their necks (only), in the event of an attack, quite similar to the preparations of the final battle cults and nazi, fascist, zionist movements that exist on this planet.  

Anyway, we were looking for any references, that would enlighten us in the scriptures and we were repeatedly lead to the existence of the Jinn's. If you had noted our earlier topic on satan, one of the verses read :-  

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

(Allah) said: " Get ye down, with enmity between yourselves, On earth will be your dwelling place and a means of livelihood for a time.  

Clearly, both mankind (Adam) and Jinn (Iblis), were sent to earth, with enmity between each other. Our numbers would have surely increased ( just look at our population today) in time and since both, the men and jinns occupies, each others dwellings and would be multiplying, there would be areas where the separation can be crossed by the jinns, who have been given certain powers and the knowledge of creating illusions. . As for the jinns, their form and nature, were not revealed to us, except that they had been created before us from the tips of smokeless flame, so they cannot be seen by the human eye and they can travel through space but they were forbidden and kept away from the havens by Angels. This information, together with others like, when they were put to labor by certain human-beings , who had been given the knowledge to tap their skills, the jinns were indeed, able to produce wonders that marveled mankind, from earlier times. This works of marvel, some of which still remain, had puzzled mankind in our current generation as to how did they came into being.  

Magic , Sorcery, Witchcraft, Astrology, Predictions, Faith healing (depending on whom they are calling upon) would all have involved the jinns in some form or another, which was practiced to a greater extent in our earlier generations. The process would have involved the language or communication technique, that had been passed from one generation to the other. And these information is also mentioned in the Qur'an, that two Angels thought mankind magic, clearly mentioning that is was for a trial only and it was of no benefit to mankind and that it would mislead them if they put their faith in it.  

Even in our current generation, various cults call upon the spirits to enlighten its worshippers or are let by certain spirits to create an alternative god of choice., who are able to mesmerize its worshippers into a trance, which was commonly seen in our earlier generations and is in the decline of late, due to lack of faith in them by our current generation. Similarly the vampire and dracula cults, had prospered, at certain time frames, when a whole lot of faith was put in them but diminished in our current societies due to lack of faith. And now, we are hearing of the appearance of Alien space crafts , in areas or by people, who are neglecting the worship of the one True God (who had accepted science , which has changed God's name to "Nature") or have allowed the propagation of such existence by television and movies, which make a fortune out of this fictions , which they create one after the other. Lately, even news organizations have started implying their existence, thus increasing our faith in them . Clearly leading man further from the truth, without realizing that satan, can perform magic and illusion, and appear as aliens, flying objects, shinning lights etc to deceive men. The devil can also appear as angels and saints, wherever and whenever faith is put in such apparitions. Clearly our past history reveals, that, man's faith , had created many superstitious beliefs, that faded as their beliefs changed.  

Hence, the illusion of aliens from outer space, but rest assured our CREATOR, can create others, according to HIS will, in whatever form HE chooses but from known times ( what has already been written), HE had installed safe guards that separated, one creation from the other. HE could indeed, have created other life forms that live on other planets, but it has been the will of our CREATOR, to separate them, we could neither see, feel or communicate with them, just as much as they cannot cross over into our realm. The separation is similar to, like what we ourselves are confined to, for instance, we live on land and we cannot live in the water like those that live within, we cannot live in space, similarly although the jinns can see us they cannot cross certain boundaries that God had placed to protect man from their mischief. So, man had not been created to be pitted with other creations, which leads us to the earlier occupants of our planet, the dinosaurs.  


Even these are indicated in the scriptures, although not worded as such, but thinkers can clearly deduce and together with the evidence we have obtained by archaeological research we can convey the following report.  

It is mentioned in the Qur'an  

Chapter 2: verse 30,  

Behold, thy Lord said to the angels; "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt thou place therein one who will make mischief and shed blood? whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?"  

HE said: " I know what ye know not "  

Clearly these verse, indicates that the angels, had suggested or doubted that the new creation (man) might end up creating mischief and shed blood on earth, they could only make this implication, based on some other creation that had been earlier created by God, that had or is dwelling on earth. We know from, whatever evidence we have found that the dinosaurs were huge and they would have caused a lot of damage and bloodshed on earth. ( you only need to view the movie Jurassic park to get an idea of this) Imagine if man had to co-exist with this creature's, we will never be able to build anything on the face of this earth, maybe we will have to live underground.  

Once man was created, and if he were to be the vicegerent on earth, you will agree that the dinosaurs had to be removed for we cannot co-exist with these creatures roaming around. Current knowledge also reveals that, a layer of material caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, that originated from an unknown source (the elements of which , cannot be from earth), that had covered the earth. Thus, in our opinion, and indicated by the above verse that, the CREATOR had created us for a purpose and had no intention of pitting us against the dinosaurs, which would have been an earlier creation, before mankind.  

Just for your additional info, the elements of iron, also originated from another source and the Qur'an reveals, that its was given to mankind.  

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