Religion of "Truth"  
Only One: -  

We had agreed that there could be ONLY ONE CREATOR, and now we conclude that HE had given the same message , here we hope to establish that He had also given us only one Religion.  

But man due to his limited understanding, chose to interpret it in the way he felt most comfortable to do so, thus altering it in the course of time.  

Out of the current eight Religions, reviewed by us in the common message, Only one, seems to be clearer and honestly outshine the rest, further it is the latest, which indicates that it is the final message for mankind, meaning the earlier messages had been misunderstood and altered by man, this scripture alone should be considered the ONLY ONE., For our generation. Let us explore , why?  

1). The only Religious Scripture, that had clearly mentioned, the process of our conception in the womb of the women, is the AL-Qur'an. No other scripture have these details, which have been accepted as the truth by science, which had been written 1417 years ago, when there were no instruments or medical history that enabled us to understand embryology. How such an information, came to be written by an uneducated Arab, living in an uncivilized place, is truly something that one should consider very very seriously.  

(This is just one of such, information, revealed only in the Al-Qur'an)  

2). The only scripture, that was written within the lifetime of the teacher and compiled within a short period and by his disciples who were actual witnesses to the teachings is the Al-Qur'an, which is also preserved in its original Language till today. The rest were compiled anywhere from 100 to 1000 years later by someone who had no personal contact with the original teacher and often when the actual language of the teacher has been lost, forgotten or no more in use Generally it is strongly assumed that it was transmitted through one of the original disciples and often not in the actual language of the teacher but in a translated form, this translations, in other languages prevail and these copies are accepted as the originals today. Here we need to note that, translation's, can vary as each language can have its own peculiar meaning for a word and certain words would have no meaning in the other languages. Most of all if we are observant, we will note that, in most human communication systems a certain amount of body language is used to indicate certain actions and in some cases, certain actions can alter the meaning of a spoken word.  

For instance, if we consider a messenger delivering a message, might have indicated certain actions by body language, which can never be expressed into words. This being the case, since many of the other scriptures were actually put into words by someone other than the teacher or the direct witness of the events. We must allow room for errors and omissions  

3). The Only Religion, where you have NO Priesthood or HOLY Leaders, who had to be honored or who claim sainthood or even become exalted as someone greater than the rest or of some divine origin is practiced only in Islam.  

4). The Only Religion, where all of mankind is considered equal ( NO Noble blood ) to each other, in the sight of the CREATOR, be he king or pauper is accepted only in ISLAM.  

5). The Only Religion which does not demand from you to contribute your wealth, for its own prosperity is practiced in Islam. But Charity is to be given to the poor and needy, that is to your own brethren and not for the CREATOR, who had created everything, including your wealth and property.  

6). The only Religion, where you submit to the CREATOR in the most humble manner of prostration, consistency and total submission is practiced only in Islam.  

7). The Only Religion, where all who have accepted the truth, are instructed to assemble at a particular place at a particular time on a particular day, each year, is practiced in Islam, only. This as a duty enjoined to its followers once in his lifetime, so long as they can afford it by their own means.  

8). The Only religion where Adultery, Crime, Drinking, Gambling and Morally unsound conduct is forbidden and punished is practiced in Islam only.  

Just consider we will have no AIDS, Syphilis, HIV, Drunken Behavior, Theft, Violence or Adultery in a truly Islamic society.  

9). The Only Religion where women, orphans, the poor, the weak, the needy are protected by scriptural laws is found in Islam.  

10). The Only Religion, which forbids Religious Oppression of the unbelievers, is observed in Islam.  

11). The Only religion, which tells us of the creation of Jinn's, who are co-existing with us in this planet, is written in the Al-Qur'an. The powers these Jinns posses and their assistance to mankind is also mentioned, plus, how King Solomon with the assistance of these Jinn's, managed to build the temple for God, by using such huge blocks of stone is also mentioned in the Al-Qur'an .  

(All the wonders of the world, can be better comprehended, when we realize that the Jinn's could have played a part in it) Which is also an indication and explanation for the numerous accounts of unexplained incidents in our daily life.  

12). The Only religion, in which all of the earlier Prophets and messengers are respected equally and which links these prophets to the earlier scriptures, is the Islamic scripture.  

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This Religion (or way of Life) is known as the Religion of "Truth" and its final version is called Islam. The Islamic scripture is a refinement of the earlier scriptures. If you have adopted its earlier versions, it is incomplete and could easily lead you into confusion and without doubt the earlier scriptures had indicated that , we will have to await the coming of a " Promised One, " called Rama, Krishna, Saosthyos, Maitreya, Emmanuel, Messiah and Counselor, who will be sent , when we are ready to accept that level of comprehension. (We must further note, that a portion of the book, had been given to every nation, in their own language and when they were told that someone else will come, they had anticipated the arrival till today within their own circles, but what we fail to perceive is that our CREATOR is not a racist and has no chosen sect or tribe that HE has favoured within HIS CREATION. Whosoever obeyed HIS commandments and fulfilled their obligations as shown by the chosen prophet ( at that time frame), were all part of HIS favoured creation) And most of all, if this promised one was to be sent to a tribe that had already altered its practices, he will immediately be rejected and condemned to death, for he will be trying to promote something new, that will not be in conformity of what that tribe had believed as their original faith, as practiced by their fore fathers and transmitted to them in good faith ( was the general believe).  

And since so many chapters of the book had been sent to mankind, who had altered it, beyond recognition and who have further coveted that knowledge as their own, restricting and abusing the rest for that grace, that they had been shown earlier, when they had fully kept the faith without altering anything of the scripture, the final message is indeed stern and firm, compared to the earlier messages.  

Why our CREATOR had given us HIS message in this way , can be more easily understood , when we consider ourselves. In addition to our sense of Pride, feelings of Jealousy, Greed, dominating nature and our ability to lie, act and deceive each other, we are fully capable of rejecting anything that we cannot comprehend and carry on rejecting even if we are able to comprehend , meaning, that we can deny truth knowingly  

Had it been our CREATOR'S will to establish HIS supreme authority over HIS creations, it would have been most simple and easy. But HE chose the rule of mercy and had given us sufficient wisdom , reminders plus a conscience and left us to come to our senses within our own lifetime. Everyone of us will be held accountable for our actions. (this is the meaning behind heaven and hell)  

Many are the generations that had been destroyed for their iniquities, that, they had practiced and their places of worship and dwellings have been left as a sign for mankind to witness and ponder over. But our current generation, seem to be cherishing this ruins as monuments of past glory and forgetting that those generations were destroyed and removed without a trace, for what they had practiced.  

Now let us explore the Big Bang theory. 

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