Insight to Religions


Dear Brothers & Sisters,  

Greetings of Peace to one and all. 

Welcome to the Religious Research Centre, home page. This centre deals more on comparative studies, undertaken between most of the commonly known belief systems that are practiced by mankind. If you have not yet noted, there would be about 100,000 or more sites on the internet, promoting various religious beliefs and you could consider us, as just another one. The Choice is yours, but we would recommend that you spend a few minutes to read the contents of this site, it would, we assure you, will give you more insight to religions as a whole. If you are in a hurry, just download (by "clicking" your save button on the file  menu) or bookmark, as this site, God willing, will be updated with additional reports and answers  soon. 

As you would be aware, religion is the most controversial subject in the world, as such, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. On the other-hand, all belief systems except atheism, paganism and satanism have had their roots from certain scriptures that are treasured by that community which had accepted them as their sole authority of their faith, but most people do not actually understand or even read their own scriptures, although, they might posses them in their own home. They tend to rely on trustworthy people, who are at times not so trustworthy and interpret them according to their gains or they might have just misinterpreted that scripture . But most of all, we all have some sort of apprehension, to even touch the scripture of another faith, thus completely denying any room to understand what has been revealed in them.  

Another way to put it, would be to view only a part of a picture and assume that we have seen it all. Which is indeed sad to note, for what the other side holds might have been something better than what we have seen before or could have given us a better understanding of what we have seen before.  

This Centre is set up, primarily to view all the scriptures and to compare them and to differentiate their objectives and their short falls. Which is indeed an awesome task as such, we appreciate your feedback, comments and suggestions, kindly e-mail us at To improve our report, which we believe would be beneficial to all of mankind.  

Our main objective is to highlight the hidden, forgotten and misconceived verses found in various scriptures . When we say hidden, we only mean what has been hidden by the devil and his followers and not what the CREATOR, had chosen, to conceal from mankind. We are not a propagation unit rather a research unit to assist the seekers of truth to find their way.  

Contents of this Site:- 
(Kindly read them one after the other as the topics are linked together, better to download will take only less than five minutes and less then 1 mg of space)
Identifying common grounds  ( the first step to understanding religions )
How Many?   ( A must for Pagans and  all Spiritual Seekers ) 
Common Message  ( The fundamental requirement for unity of mankind )
Only One !  ( One CREATOR,  One  Message,  One Religion )
Big Bang?  ( Created or Evolved ?,  for Atheist, Agnostics and UFO's )
The Absolute.  ( the One and  Only and none other. )
Down Under  (  a free preview of  Certainty )
Bible Sermon  ( the reason for unnatural preferences and AIDS & HIV cases)
The Last Sermon.  ( Sound Advice )
A Portrait  ( A picture of the best example of a man )
Nothing New !  ( the established and accepted old way of worship )
Women - Misconception  ( the fears of the modern women )
Women - divine requirements  ( for believing women )
Tests & Trails  ( why  O why? )
Worship  (  whom should we  worship )
Satan (  who's he ? )
Evil  ( who created evil ? )
Qur'an ( the complete scripture )
Hadith  (  complementary requirements )
Aliens & Dinosaurs  ( for modern wanderers )
Arguments  ( strictly for thinkers )
Bible Talks  ( Who is Christ ? )
Vice  ( The mischief of the devil )
Q & A  ( Atheist Answers )
Corner stone.  (  A mystery for Jews and Christians )
Baca  ( The oldest place of Security on Earth. )
Mirror  ( A poem for U )
The Word  ( correct interpretation)
Divisions  (  why we cannot unite. )
Christ - his birth  (  Mary's  proof )
Christ - his mission  (  un accomplished )
Qur'an Talks ( A must for Shi'a, Ahmadia, Sufi and Bahai faiths )
Arguments  (  to eat or not to eat ? )
Christ - his guidance.  ( Same as all the true messengers )
Christ - his disappearance  (  Crucifixion ? )
Dead Sea Scrolls  ( The crying in the desert ? )
4QMMT ?  ( A life and death matter )
Our Parents.  ( what a destiny. )
Toxic Conditioning ?  (  New Age ethics ? )
Angel ?  ( Who are they ?)
Holy Spirit?  ( Who is the Comforter ?) 
Love ?  ( What has love got to do with it? ) 
Many paths ?  ( Why so many ? ) 
Monasticism?  ( Why not ?, its the best escape ) 
Mysticism?  (seeking in vain.) 
Argument 3  ( Trinity? ) 
Argument 4  ( Who's Birthday ?) 
Our Problem ?  ( Yours or Mine ?) 
Who is your Patron?  (  Its  your choice.  )
Our Location  ( Be our Guest ) 
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